ROMAN EMPIRE ARCHITECTURE TOPIC : Teach one illustrative example of regions where distinctive architectural styles developed. India Greece Roman Empire Mesoamerica Taylor Williams AP World History 4 th
Romans borrow the column idea from the Greeks, but improve it by adding gutters and hard bottom floors. Romans perfect concrete allowing them to build mass structures such as domes and arches. Dome Arches Column
A Water pipeline system used to transport water to upper class and community. Aqueducts Coliseums used to hold many people for sea wars and gladiator battles. Coliseum
Combination of arches and columns principle created bridges. Romans roads used for military to get in and out more efficiently. Road Bridge
"Roman Arches." Roman Colosseum. Web. 29 Aug "Roman Architecture." SUNY College at Oneonta. Web. 29 Aug ……..College "Roman Architecture." UNRV History - Roman Empire. Web. 29 Aug ……….