The Rise of Caesar… …and the Fall of Rome
“Veni, Vidi, Vici” I came, I saw, I conquered The First Triumvirate: Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar rule Against orders, Caesar and his legions cross the Rubicon River and gain support of the Roman people Caesar appointed Dictator in 46 B.C. Caesar appointed Dictator… for life in 44 B.C.
Caesar Reforms Rome 1. Grants Roman citizenship to those in the farthest provinces held by Rome 2. Expands the Senate 3. Aids the poor by creating jobs (ex. constructing public buildings) 4. Starts colonies so people can find and afford land 5. Increases pay for soldiers
Which of Caesar’s reforms do you think is most important to the success of the Roman Empire? Why ?
Beware…the Ides of March Caesar’s murder leads to Civil War The Second Triumvirate: Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus rule Lepidus retires and Civil War erupts…again Mark Antony falls in love with Queen Cleopatra of Egypt Antony fights Octavian with a combined force of his and Cleopatra’s armies Octavian triumphs and rules as Augustus (the exalted one) in 27 B.C.
Octavian Augustus’ Rule Enter the Pax Romana : The Roman Peace Organizes the Civil Service : Pay officials to manage government affairs Creates the Denarius : Common coin used for trade throughout the Roman Empire Supports expansion of the Gladiator Games Government survives Octavian’s death
The Legacy of the Roman Empire Realistic Sculpture and Mosaics Latin as the language of learning Belief that laws apply equally to all All are innocent until proven guilty Government guarantees rights to all citizens Architecture: the Arch, the Dome, Concrete (Ex. Extensive network of roads; the Colosseum) Aqueducts: Channeled fresh water to Roman citizens throughout the Empire
The Colosseum