Welcome to Temple University
T EMPLE UNIVERSITY Transitions: University Seminar 1001, Fall semester 1-credit course Assists you in making a successful transition to the University Helps you frame academic and life goals, develop successful study habits, and become an active member of the community University Seminar 1002, Spring semester 1-credit course Explore majors and career paths Refine your goals and attain a greater awareness of the interconnectedness of your experiences through group discussion and reflection
T RANSITIONS In class opportunities: for collaborative learning for group work for meeting instructors for learning about Temple resources for learning about Philadelphia To meet upperclass students involved at Temple
T RANSITIONS General Sections Special Interest Sections Living Learning Community based Sections Follow this link for a complete listing of all sections:
T E MPLE UNIVERSITY Experience Dual enrollment credits International Baccalaureate Credits Advance Placement Credits
TE M PLE UNIVERSITY “Must Knows” Using SSB Adding Courses Dropping Courses Drop Deadline: Monday, September 12th Withdrawal Policy Monday, October 31st Repeat Policy
TEM P LE UNIVERSITY People Provost Richard Englert Senior Vice Provost Peter Jones Deans Faculty Advisors
TEMP L E UNIVERSITY Learning/Academic Resources Degree Audit Bulletin semester grids Writing Center Math Science Resource Center
TEMPL E UNIVERSITY Engage/Explore Undergraduate Research General Education PEX -- Philadelphia Experience
Good Luck!! T Transitions E Experience M “Must Knows” P People L Learning/Academic Resources E Engage/Explore
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