Mother’s Day – A time to remember our mother’s importance
Importance of Motherhood Motherhood does not have the same meaning as in the past. –1970 – 53% - motherhood is important –1983 – 26% - motherhood is important –2000 – 20% - motherhood is important Mothers are primary caregivers The Bible gives some keys to “Successful Momming”
Train up your child Proverbs 22:6Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Popular verse – often quoted – often misunderstood Mothers worry about how their children are being raised
Usual Interpretation Take them to SS, church, VBS Teach them songs – Jesus Loves Me Say prayers at meals and bedtime Send them to church camp, youth rallies, Christian College They will turn out to be strong faithful Christians and never stray
Usual Interpretation However –We know that it does not always work out that way –Some children with all the right upbringing leave the church –Some children with wrong training become strong Christians Parents question this passage
Usual Interpretation “Train your child in the manner befitting the child” Literally – “in accordance with his way” Use words, concepts, the child can understand Give rules, set punishments the child can comprehend
Usual Interpretation Each child is different – –Different personality –Learns, behaves, understands in different ways –Different punishments work with different children They differ in traits, characteristics, mood, mannerisms, and reactions
Children’s Bents Children have “bents” – traits, personalities, reactions Groom the good bents –Cultivate the skills and abilities of each child –Soccer, flute, piano, art, karate Don’t try to have them fulfill your fantasy – football star, beauty queen
Children’s Bents Oppose the bad bents –There are many influences on your children – school, friends, TV –They will pick up bad words, habits, ideas Parents – control what you can Seek to discourage the negative influence
When he is old he will not depart This verse is not encouraging the sowing of wild oats and then repent late in life This may work out sometimes –Not always –Not even usually You can not count on repenting at the 11 th hour – you might die at 10:30!
When he is old he will not depart James Dobson – survey of 853 parents of rebellious children –53% now accept parents values –32% accept some of parents values –15% still reject parents values This verse says the properly trained child should stick to the course.
Successful Momming God has placed great responsibility on mothers and fathers Our challenge is to use all the skill we have to instill a set of values in our children Values taught in a way befitting the child – will stick with them