Eric Hoffberg We begin to realize that every moment of excellence is something that we create and that it all starts with how we think. And the cool thing is that this realization doesn’t feel “heavy” – it feels good to take ownership of our journey. O ptimal P erformance Leadership
Focus on the Concept of Contribution The Rule of 100% Commit to The Ownership Spirit Know What You Believe In Create a Vision Prioritize Self-Leadership THINK STRONG What can we accomplish today? 1. What I Do 2. What I’ll Share (A System For Performance Excellence) 3. What I Hope You'll Do…
What I do: Leadership Training Performance Training “Mastery – the urge to make progress and get better at something that matters.” Daniel Pink Metacognition….. awareness and understanding one's thinking and cognitive processes; thinking about thinking; thinking about one's own mental processes
Share A System
What can you contribute? (To the world around you, to those counting on you, to your own journey?) What will you give? What will be your footprint and legacy? This Intentional Mindset takes you beyond playing to your strengths. What will I contribute creates your instructions for your Mission; your perspective becomes specific and it comes from the Spirit of Generosity – there's tons of power built into the concept of giving the Best Version Of You. Do This – Make a plan. Write down what you will contribute. Why will you be valued. Why can you be counted on? What will you do that will be a True Difference Maker? Be On Purpose. Make it all about Contribution.
The Rule of 100%
The Ownership Spirit vs. Victim Mode Our brains wire and re-wire themselves in response to our most used thought patterns. We want to understand and commit to the thought patterns that will help us the most. Because trained neurons fire faster and clearer signals than untrained neurons, when we learn something and repeat it, we form circuits that tend to outcompete other circuits. Soon there is a tendency to follow the path most traveled. Once a way of thinking and practicing within a framework becomes habitual, it becomes ingrained, and a significant amount of energy, focus and commitment to new habits/routines is required to reshape old thought patterns and institute new practices.
When we connect to The Ownership Spirit our thinking is focused on what to do – we see the options, we get engaged in a course of action, we build up a stronger and stronger attitude. When we live with the Ownership Spirit: 1.We take charge of our circumstances. 2.We're clear in our understanding of consequences of our choices, actions, reactions, etc. 3.We go after results with a strong vigor to excel and succeed. Our definitions of excellence and success make sense and brings true reward. 4.We show up in a high quality way because that's how we roll. We're engaged in the process of things the way a True Pro engages.
When we are in Victim mode: 1.We see the disappointments of life as happening to me rather than understanding that something has occurred that I will deal with. 2.We look to find the scapegoat, blame someone else or persuade ourselves that it was the conditions or circumstances that dictated how things happened. 3.We say things like, "Here we go again, This is what always happens to me, It feels like its just one problem after another”, etc. 4.We forget to make the connection that No Matter What, our attitudes, moods, actions and behavior are always going to be entirely our choice. 5.We stop truly working on challenges and problems let alone our goals and our Vision for Excellence. We cease to recognize all the opportunities we have to improve things and to make a productive difference for ourselves and those around us.
We all go back and forth between Owner style thinking and Victim style thinking. There is no 24/7 "ownership" going on but we can become really conscious of how strong our levels are either way. We want to find that ability to think like an owner consistently. Here's a good reason why: Victim thinking really saps the Good Energy and jams up the valve of will power that helps make us clear and determined, awake, enthusiastic and alive. The Ownership vs. Victim distinction: 1.Creates clear separation between two different patterns of thought. 2.Represents the understanding of two options, and two options only, for ways to approach what we're contending with. 3.Makes a point of how we are viewing our world.
Leaders make mistakes and say, “I made a mistake,” and make up for it. Victims make mistakes and say, “I’m sorry,” and do the same thing the next time. Leaders say “I’m good, but not as good as I can be, yet.” Victims say “I’m not as bad as a lot of other people.” Leaders affect others. Victims are affected by others. Leaders would rather be admired than liked, and wind up having an abundance of both. Victims would rather be liked than admired, and wind up having little of either. Leaders respect others and try to learn something from them. Victims resent others and try to find their faults. Leaders stand for something and are willing to fight for it if necessary. Victims stand for nothing and either fight about everything, or nothing. James Roswell Quinn
Visions for Success If you truly want to succeed in your quest to take things to another level, you absolutely need to create your …… VISION creates that momentum of growing anticipation about the future; change is a part of the process of the pursuit. What we create as a Vision should be easily grasped and describe what we value. A high quality Vision becomes our mantra for action. The excitement about the future trumps any apprehension about the uncertain. "Dissatisfaction and discouragement are not caused by the absence of things but the absence of vision." — Anonymous ….. the feeling of triumph and a sense of full satisfaction that achievement has taken place.
Question: When was the last time you sat down and wrote out what it is that you truly believe in when it comes to being successful and happy? Write down 5 Things that you Believe In. Think of “High Truths” that you believe are always a factor in the pursuit of success, balance and happiness. “I Believe That….” Example on next slide
“Believe In” - Example 1.If excellence is truly the quest, then High Quality repetition must exist. 2.Be well conditioned mentally, physically, and emotionally. 3.If you truly care about the outcome then you must fully commit to the process of preparation. 4.You’ll perform better – with more clarity and energy – if you focus on what you love about the action. 5.You have to fully embrace the chance to overcome adversity.
Thoughts First What are you most proud of? Be Proud of How You Think Self Leadership Watch your thoughts and determine if you are strengthening or weakening your focus. Thoughts Create Your Attitude. And Your Attitude Is The Power Source For Your Energy.
What I hope you'll do… Play Bigger Coach It Forward and Teach others - We all can lead. Become more conscious of your thought patterns - Become more of an expert in you. Be On Purpose