Who is the School Counselor Mrs. Averett 7 th & 8 th Counselor Room 705 Entering The Career Zone
What Is the Purpose of a School Counselor To Listen. To help students problem solve. To help students with their schedules. To help with problems at school and home. To help students academically. To help students transition to High School To help students plan for the future.
Creating a Academically Successful Life Tips Come to school each day on time. Make school your number one priority. Ask for help, if you are struggling academically. Stay organized, have a homework folder. Make your own study cards. Talk to a friend about school, have a study buddy. Don’t wait to the last minute to study. Create a study time and a place in your home. Get enough rest. Rest is energy, and fuel is what you need to help you learn. Enough rest helps with behavior and focusing. When you are late to school, your parents must sign you in.
Academic Success = Honor Roll Participate in after school activities Sports Build self esteem = good feeling Setting standards and good habits. Scholarships College
What Can you do to Help Standup for what is Right Don’t allow Bullying Words Hurt Speak Up; Respect others & property Report to Teachers, Counselor, other adults. Safe Place/ to talk about hard to talk issues Be sensitive to others /disability You may see a student in a wheel chair/blind. If you or your family don’t have a permanent place to call home, we can help.
Career Counseling Career Cruising overview Career Matchmaker Self Assessment Career Explore Explore Education and Training Creating a EDP Classroom activities
Programs at YMS Bright Futures Great to Be a Girl 826 After school Counseling services EMU University of Michigan Group counseling Individual counseling Gear-Up
Michigan Merit High School Graduation Overview Goal: To ensure that Michigan's high school graduates have the necessary skills to succeed either in postsecondary education or in the workplace.
Michigan Merit Curriculum High School Graduation Requirements MATHEMATICS - 4 Credits: Algebra I Algebra 11 or on-line ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS - 4 Credits English Language Arts 9 English Language Arts & 12 SCIENCE - 3 Credits Biology, Physics or Chemistry one additional Science class SOCIAL STUDIES - 3 Credits. 5 credit in Civics U.S. History and Geography Civics and Economics PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTH – 1 Credit, 1 Credit Visual performing and Applied Arts IIONLINE LEARNING 1 Credit Geometry One math course in final year of high school 24 Credit: : : 28
Ypsilanti High School Global Leadership & Public Policy Academy Improvisational Academy of the Arts New Tech High School Dual Enrollment YHS /WCC
Early College Alliance Enrollment cycle for the 2013–14 school year has begun! All interested parents, students, family and friends, regardless of district, are welcome to attend an info session to learn more about ECA’s great educational opportunities. Students who are currently in the 9th or 10th grade, and in any public school district, charter, independent, parochial school or home schooled, are eligible to enroll for the 2013–14 academic year at ECA.
Washtenaw International High School Washtenaw International High School is a tuition free, public, consortium high school for students in participating Washtenaw County school districts. It opened in Fall of 2011 to its first group of ninth grade students.
Retention Policy YMS retain students Summer School does not promote students Counselor review attendance, grades and behavior. YMS graduation requirements, students must pass a majority of their academic classes. Algebra / Geometry student that receive a B or better will receive credit. Have a great day and we plan to have a great school year !!!!