Helen Osman MidAtlantic Congress March 2014
New media disrupting old habits Young nones – threat or ally? Keep it simple
CARA: Catholic New Media Use in the US, 2012
Willow Creek Association Activity outside of church more influential than what they do on church grounds: 1.Spiritual friendships 2.Evangelism 3.Serving those in need ON MY OWN 4.Spiritual mentors
Keep it real Keep it simple Tell the story Live the brand
Corporal Works of Mercy feed the hungry shelter the homeless clothe the naked visit the sick ransom the captive bury the dead give alms to the poor Spiritual Works of Mercy instruct the ignorant counsel the doubtful admonish sinners bear wrongs patiently forgive willingly comfort the afflicted pray for the living and the dead
"You are bearers of hope. You, in fact, live in the present, but are looking at the future. You are the protagonists of the future, artisans of the future … Have courage. Go forward. Make noise."