Born- Daughter of a Shoshone chief, it is not known exactly when she was born. Some sources say 1788 while others say 1787 or 1786 Died- On December 20,1812(?) But, her death was not accepted by most people, including Native Americans until the 20 th century Sacagawea died at age 24, 6 years after the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Her people went east to hunt buffalo and antelope when she was around 12 yrs old. When she was around 12 or 13 yrs old Sacagawea was taken from her Rocky Mountain home (Located in today’s Idaho) Very little is known about Sacagawea’s childhood other than her capture by the Hidatsa Indians when she was around 13 yrs old
Lewis and Clark Expedition September 23, 1806 they returned to St. Louise, Missouri from their first recorded overland journey from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Coast and back.
Sacagawea’s husband Toussaint Charbonneau was hired by Lewis and Clark to navigate them through North America but, Sacagawea proved more useful to Lewis and Clark
Family Sacagawea, the daughter of a Shoshone chief Sacagawea also made a miraculous discovery of her own during the trip west. When the corps encountered a group of Shoshone Indians, she soon realized that its leader was actually her brother Cameahwait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After Lewis and Clark After the Lewis and Clark expedition, Sacagawea arrived home to the Shoeshone and started a new life with her young son and husband
Sacagawea Historical Park Sacagawea is honored at the Fort Clatsup National Historic Park near Astoria, Oregon