INTRODUCTION TO TOPICS Introduction to Topics as a Learning Activity
T OPIC FOR THE NEEDS ASSESSMENT Foreign Language learning for students such as Spanish language.
W HAT DO YOU KNOW ? Learning in institutions. Institutions provides programs for Spanish. Students know basic Spanish
W HAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ? Different styles of learning. Best way to learn a foreign language such as Spanish. Student’s use of foreign language outside classroom.
W HAT ARE YOU TRYING TO MEASURE, DETERMINE, OR DEFINE ? Student’s knowledge on Spanish language. Spanish vocabulary. Student’s experiences in foreign language.
H OW WILL YOU COLLECT AND RECORD INFORMATION ? Evaluation. Pre-assessment. Post-assessment.
H OW WILL YOU REPORT THE INFORMATION YOU COLLECT ? Sharing. Discussion forums. Distribution of the data.
I NTERESTED GROUPS Foreign language teachers. High school students. Institution administrators among other students.
R EFERENCES Brownlie, F., Feniak, C., McCarthy, V., & Brownlie, F. (2004). Instruction and assessment of ESL learners: Promoting success in your classroom. Winnipeg: Portage and Main Press. Buckingham, T., & ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. (1981). Needs assessment in ESL. Washington, D.C: Center for Applied Linguistics.