State Steering Team Meeting May 3, 2011 NASDME Conference New Orleans, LA
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Norma Cregan, Kansas Lead State
AGENDA Welcome and Introductions Norma Cregan, KS Lead State Data Collection and Evaluation Susan Durón SOSY Data Base John Farrell Technical Support Team Work and Update Tracie Kalic Product Development Brenda Pessin and Bob Lynch Planning for Year 2 Tracie Kalic Budget Discussion and Planning Norma Cregan Planning for the Future Tracie Kalic Communication Future Meeting Dates
DATA COLLECTION AND EVALUATION 1. Update on FII activities 2. Data collection expectations 3. Interim Annual Performance Report (APR)
FIDELITY OF IMPLEMENTATION INDEX (FII) FOR THE SOSY MEP CIG (YEAR 1: 10/1/2010 THROUGH 9/30/2012) Activities Person(s) ResponsibleTimelineProgress Implementation Level Objective 1 – Increased number of services for SOSY 1.1Share State systems for working with OSY (Note: TK will contact States around their systems for working with OSY, CNA, and SDP; what they are doing, what their needs are to build State profiles—also see 1.12 and 1.1.6) SST, COngoingO √ 1.2 Analyze State resources and assist each State to develop an OSY plan (Tracie visited WA State to discuss State participation and resources on 3/10/11 and will be visiting MN on 3/29/11. State webinars on 2/28/11 and 3/3/11 for MT, MS, FL, IN, MA, WA, ID, MD, AR, IL, KS, NY, MN, VT) COngoingO √ 1.3Hire a project coordinator with experience with OSY/migrant educationKS,SST12/10C √ 1.4Collaborate with HEP/CAMP, NPC, NCFH, and ALRC on the identification process to recover OSY (Note: BL met with Bobbi Ryder in Jan. NCFH is identifying States collaborating on MEP and migrant health and will be writing a white paper. ALRC is preparing audio enhancements and preparing guidelines for those States preparing their own audio enhancements. Also, they are scheduling a meeting with HEP/CAMP to create a literacy curriculum.) Bob Lynch and TC met with Javier Gonzales to create a pre-GED series of reading lessons. HEP/CAMP will pilot and National PASS Center will develop materials. BL wrote a white paper on Reading on the Move. SST,COngoingO √ 1.5 Contract project evaluatorKS10/10C √ 1.6Identify members of the State Steering Support Team (Note: This will be updated on the website) D10/10C √ 1.7 Identify members of the Technical Support Team and content expertsD11/10C √ 1.8Adapt/disseminate SOSY needs assessment tools (Done through the SOSY profile. Developed an instruction sheet to go with it. Also, a Service Delivery Plan was developed. This is posted on the SOSY website). E,C,SST3/11C √ 1.9 Develop tools for data reportingE12/10C √ 5
FII HIGHLIGHTS As of 4/18/11, SOSY is on target to accomplish its activities Objective 1 – Increased number of services for SOSY Objective 2 – Larger number of migrant OSY served Objective 3 – Increased number of OSY who met performance standards on State- identified achievement assessments and/or identified education or career goals 6
FORMS AND SURVEYS FOR THE EVALUATION State MEP Director Survey - This online form is required and is due September 20, 2011 SOSY Tracking Form / OSY Tracking Form – This optional tracking Form is for state data collection efforts. It is not an online form and must be printed out before using. Student Profile (English and Spanish) – Each state is required to complete the OSY Student Profile sheet on as many OSY students as possible. Minimum data elements are included but states may add additional data elements. 7
APR COVER SHEET SOSY PROGRAM EVALUATION Submit signed Cover Sheets via overnight (or 2 nd day) delivery to: Susan Durón META Associates 518 Old Santa Fe Trail Suite Santa Fe, NM (303)
The APR is due to OME on a date to be determined (May or June 2011) It will be submitted by Kansas (Lead State) The only requirement for states is a signed Grant Performance Cover Sheet with items 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, and 12 completed 10 SOSY Year 1 Interim APR
META will complete and each State’s cover sheet as soon as the OME request for the APR is sent to states A draft report will be ed to states 3-4 weeks prior to the APR due date 11 Year 1 Interim APR SOSY Consortium
SOSY DATABASE Update from John Farrell
STRUCTURE OF TECHNICAL SUPPORT TEAM SOSY Technical Support Team ID & R Curriculum & Material Development Training Technical Assistance
TST UPDATE Work groups have produced the following Successful Practices for Website Submission SOSY Educational Resource Rubric ID&R Strategies Curriculum Updates and Mini-Lessons OSY Profile Data Analysis OSY Blog
IDENTIFICATION AND RECRUITMENT Members: John Farrell (KS), Barbie Patch (NH), Ray Melecio (FL), Bruce Wright (SC), Sarah Mullin (IN), Kathleen Bibus (MN)and Kiowa Rogers (NE) Address indicators 1.4 Collaborate with HEP/CAMP, NPC, NCFH and ALRC on the identification process to recover OSY 1.10 Develop SOSY ID&R Strategies and materials For your review: SOSY ID&R Strategies document In the works: 3 other documents Agricultural Trends Newsletter – published 6 times per year
CURRICULUM AND MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT Team Members: Brenda Pessin (IL), Bob Lynch (NPC), Lupe Ledesma (WA), Kelsey Williams (ID), and Dee Condon (NE) Overview of Curriculum Materials- Bob and Brenda Mini lessons SOSY Audio index Audio Enhancements from ALRC
SOSY BLOG Purpose: Increase networking and collaboration opportunities How to sign up as members Expectations Monthly topics: Need states to sign up
TRAINING WORK GROUP Team members: Sonja Williams (NC), TJ Sparling (NY), Sarah Mullin (IN), Emily Hoffman (MA) Jessie McKenzie (MS), Mike Rea (MT) Kiowa Rogers (NE), Lysandra Lopez- Medina (PA), Jessica Castandea (TN) Address FII indicators: 1.11 Train 2 staff per state on SOSY using a TOT model 3.7 Prepare a state Training of Trainers guide on OSY TOT Manual Description
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE WORK GROUP Members: Erin Shea (VT), Jorge Echargary (FL), Andrea Carter (KY), and Margarita Colindres (CO) Address FII Indicators: 1.14 Provide TA to SEAs on building services to OSY 1.15 Devise strategies and tools for including OSY in State CNAs and SDPs 2.4 Provide TA to Consortium states through the TST (3x per year) Assist in development of and participate in SOSY Webinars Analyze OSY profile data from 6 member states Working on developing Services Matrix tool
PLANNING FOR NEXT YEAR Discussion of Dissemination event Combination of TOT and Dissemination event Other needs Planning Committee
SOSY BUDGET SOSY budget Consortium fees Combining Training of Trainers with the Dissemination event 2 versions of Dissemination event budget for your consideration MOUs
PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE What would you like the Consortium to focus on in the future to best meet your state’s needs in providing support to OSY?
MOST PRESSING NEEDS FOR THE FUTURE INPUT FROM TST All states define OSY consistently for CSPR and MSIX (child count, service) [19] Develop general tracking and assessment methods (ESL levels, etc.) [17] Implement a method of documenting and replicating inter and intra state coordination [11] Search function on OSY website, continue enhancing site – add rubric – beginner level, etc. [9] Track recovery youth (former OSYs) [8] Continue collection and dissemination of materials and strategies [7] Address the needs of indigenous groups, i.e. Oaxacan, Haition [7] Define ELL profile (low, medium, high) [4] PLAZAS/Mexican diploma [3]
COMMUNICATION SOSY Quarterly Newsletter Monthly Communication with SST Monthly Conference Calls with TST Schedule of meetings for next year
THANK YOU Please contact me with any questions or if your state would like technical assistance. For other information: