The quantify of widely used chemicals in an exhaust gas is also limited. Corona-discharge treatment of an exhaust gas containing methanol Masaomi Kikuchi 1, Kohki Satoh 1,2 and Hidenori Itoh 1 1 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Hokkaido , Japan 2 Center of Environmental Science and Disaster Mitigation for Advanced Research, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Hokkaido , Japan 2. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS 2. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS 1. INTRODUCTION Thermal plasma Electron beam Thermal oxidation (Combusion) Adsorption Discharge plasma Catalytic oxidation Effective area of gas-cleaning methods [2]. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (3) Concentration variations of methanol and ozone ( methanol concentration : 300ppm ) (3) Concentration variations of methanol and ozone ( methanol concentration : 300ppm ) REFERENCE REFERENCE The variations in the discharge current as a function of the applied voltage is marginally affected by the methanol concentration. The methanol decomposition rates are dependent of initial methanol concentration. Methanol decomposition rates are independent of the methanol concentration and gas-flow rate when the methanol decomposition rates are plotted against the operation energy density. Decomposition of methanol are independent of the ozone. 4. CONCLUSION 4. CONCLUSION (1) The influence of the background gas ( methanol concentration : 300ppm ) (1) The influence of the background gas ( methanol concentration : 300ppm ) Estimate for operation energy density Estimate for operation energy density Methanol decomposition rates Discharge chamber : an acrylic cylinder 80mm inner diameter and 210mm length Applied voltage A positive high DC voltage is applied to the multi-needle electrode to generate a streamer corona discharge between the electrodes. Initial concentration of methanol : 120ppm, 300ppm and 500ppm Background gas Mixture rates are N 2 : O 2 = 80 : 20, 95 : 5 and 99.5 : 0.5 and 80 : 20 Concentration measurements of methanol & gaseous products : Infrared absorption spectroscopy The concentration deduced from the absorbance spectra measured by a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, FTIR-8900) with a gas cell (Infrared Analysis Inc., 10PA), which optical path length is 10m. Measurement of voltage & current The applied voltage and the discharge current are measured by digital storage oscilloscope (YOKOGAWA Co., Ltd., DL1620). Electrode : Multi needle to plate electrode The multi-needle electrode consists of needle-clusters, each of which has 26 (13×2) stainless-steel needles (1.5mm diameter and 16.3mm length). Five needle-clusters are arranged with 14.5mm gap on a brass plate with the dimension of 55mm×150mm×3mm (thick). The plate electrode, made of brass with the dimension of 55mm×150mm×2mm (thick) is earthed. Ozone concentration increases with the input power. Methanol concentration decreases when the input power increases. Decomposition of methanol has no dependency on the ozone concentration. operation energy density [4] [W/ppm/slm] = input power initial methanol concentration [ppm] × flow rate [slm] The variations of decomposition rate show similar tendency. The methanol decomposition rates as a function of the operation energy density are independent of the methanol concentration and gas-flow rate. The methanol concentration marginally affects on the corona discharge characteristics. The methanol decomposition rates are dependent of the methanol concentration. The variation in methanol decomposition rates are independent of the oxygen concentration. We developed the gas-cleaning reactor using streamer corona discharge, stabilized by using clustered multi-needle to plate electrode configuration, and decomposed methanol contained in artificial air (nitrogen-oxygen mixture). We investigated the decomposition characteristics of methanol in the corona discharge The development of discharge-plasma gas-cleaning methods is expected to be an effective method for cleaning the exhaust gas containing low concentration of VOCs. Discharge current for N2:O2=99.5:0.5 increases rapidly with the applied voltage. Objective (2) The influence of the methanol concentration ( N 2 :O 2 =80:20 ) (2) The influence of the methanol concentration ( N 2 :O 2 =80:20 ) Background Active species that have high oxidation potential, such as OH, O, O3 etc., are produced in a discharge plasma. The species can be used for the treatment of gases contaminated by hazardous substances like volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Further low-concentration of VOCs can be decomposed by discharge plasma treatment. Plasma gas-cleaning has attracted the interest of many researches. The recent alternation of the regulation concerning gas emission [3]. methanol, acetone, etc. Decomposition characteristics of methanol in corona discharge in a background gases of nitrogen-oxygen mixture. [1] K. Urashima, J. S. Chang : IEEE Trans. Dielec. Elec. Insula. 7 (2000) 602 [2] J S Chang : OYO BUTURI , Vol.69 No.03 (2000) 268 [3] Government Amends Laws, Latest Amendment by Law, No.56 of 2004 (Ministry of the environment) [4] N. Goto et al.: IEEJ Trans., 123-A (2003) 900 V – I characteristics To investigate decomposition characteristics of methanol by streamer corona discharge.