Modern Data Warehouse: Microsoft APS Alain Dormehl June 2015
Why the APS ? 2
Data sources Non-relational data The Modern Data Warehouse
Provides a single T-SQL query model for PDW and Hadoop with rich features of T-SQL, including joins without ETL Uses the power of MPP to enhance query execution performance Supports Windows Azure HDInsight to enable new hybrid cloud scenarios Provides the ability to query non-Microsoft Hadoop distributions, such as Hortonworks and Cloudera SQL Server Parallel Data Warehouse Microsoft Azure HDInsight PolyBase Microsoft HDInsight Hortonworks for Windows and Linux Cloudera Bringing Hadoop point solutions and the data warehouse together for users and IT Result set Select… The Unsung Hero of APS
How would your clients react ? Data Query Performance Complex Analytics Data Query Performance Complex Analytics 2 Concurrent Execution Performance 25min vs 21.8 hours 27min vs 27.3 hours 37min vs 33.6 hours