Making the most of your Junior Year!
Walk-in Appointments Students can see me without an appointment before school, during lunch or after school. Scheduled Appointments No appointments will be set up between periods. You will receive a pass with a time and date for your appointment You are responsible for keeping your appointment Parent Teacher Conferences Contact Mrs. Keefer at extension Conferences with individual teachers are typically scheduled during the teacher’s planning period. Conference with all teachers are typically schedule after school on Mondays and Thursdays
English-4 credits Math-4 credits 1 credit must be Algebra 1* 1 credit in Geometry* 2 credits in additional math courses* Science 1 credit Biology* 1 credit Physical Science (Chemistry, Earth Space, or Physics) 1 credit in any other science course Social Studies 1 credit World History 1 credit US History* ½ credit US Government ½ credit Economics Performing Arts-1 credit Physical Education-1 credit Including Personal Fitness and PE class Electives-8 credits Other graduation requirements
2.0 GPA 1 on-line course Passing score on Grade 10 ELA or concordant scores on SAT/ACT Passing score on Algebra 1 EOC or comparative score on PERT *Students must participate in the EOC Assessment and their performance on the EOC constitutes 30% of the final grade.
In addition to meeting all requirements for a standard diploma, students must successfully complete four (4) Advanced Placement courses to include at least two (2) subject areas and score 3 or higher on at least three (3) Advanced Placement exams. Maintain a 3.0 or higher cumulative weighted grade point average and a 3.0 weighted grade point average in Advanced Placement courses.
Complete 100 hours of community service. Participate in ACT or SAT during Junior and Senior years. The second year test may be waived with an appropriate SAT or ACT. Complete Program application-see Mrs. Snyder
Be sure to challenge yourself with rigorous courses throughout your junior and senior years. Colleges like to see that you are working above and beyond the bare minimum requirements. If you have failed a course required for graduation, see your counselor to discuss your credit recovery options (Odyssey Lab, Volusia Virtual School and or Florida Virtual School).
Take both tests twice during junior year –then you will be ready to apply to college early. Have your scores sent directly to the colleges of your choice from SAT/ACT. If you qualify for free/reduced lunch, see your counselor about waivers for the SAT and ACT To register: (SAT) (ACT)
Use the spring & summer before your senior year to visit colleges you are interested in attending. Contact those colleges to arrange a visit. Research application deadlines to the colleges you want to attend. Many of them are in the first few months of your senior year, so apply early! Go to to compare colleges, search for specific programs and take career interest inventories.
Students interested in playing sports in college should register with NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) at Transcripts and test scores must be sent directly to the NCAA Eligibility Center. Test Center Code: 9999
Make the Grade Earn the score Determine your BF eligibility status at click on “Bright Futures Scholarship Eligibility Evaluation ” You will have to log in. Remember that Bright Futures calculates GPA BASED ON CORE COURSES -16 credits Students will register for Bright Futures Scholarships here at school in December of their senior year.
FLORIDA ACADEMIC SCHOLARS AWARD (FAS) 3.5 weighted GPA Courses must include 16 credits of college preparatory academic courses. May use up to 3 additional credits to raise GPA (see BF’s website) 4English (3 with substantial writing) 4Mathematics (Algebra I level and above)* 3Natural Science (2 with substantial lab) 3Social Science 2 World Language (in the same language)** 100 Community Service Hours Test Scores-Best composite score of 1290 SAT (does not include new writing score) or 29 ACT (ACT scores are rounded up for scores with.5 and higher; SAT scores do not require rounding.)
FLORIDA MEDALLION SCHOLARS AWARD (FMS ) 3.0 weighted GPA Courses must include 16 credits of college preparatory academic courses. May use up to 3 additional credits to raise GPA (see BF’s website) 4English (3 with substantial writing) 4Mathematics (Algebra I level and above)* 3Natural Science (2 with substantial lab) 3Social Science 2 Foreign Language (in the same language)** 75 Community Service Hours Test Scores-Best composite score of 1170 SAT (does not include new writing score) or 26 ACT (ACT scores are rounded up for scores with.5 and higher; SAT scores do not require rounding.)
FLORIDA GOLD SEAL VOCATIONAL SCHOLARS AWARD (GSV) 3.0 weighted GPA using the 16 credits listed below for a 4-year Diploma and a 3.5 unweighted GPA in a minimum of 3 vocational credits in one vocational program, combined with the test scores (PERT,ACT, SAT). 4-year Diploma Credits must include 16 core credits required for high school graduation. 4English 4 Mathematics (including Algebra I) 3 Natural Science 3 Social Science (US. Hist., World Hist., US. Govt., and Economics) 1 Performing Arts .5 Personal Fitness .5 Physical Education 30 Community Service Hours Students must earn the minimum score on each section of the PERT, SAT or ACT.
Fall of 2015 Take the PSAT Visit or research your top 3-5 colleges Remediate all courses needed for graduation Attend College Expo at Mainland High School – October 13 Attend NACAC College Expos – October 10, Jacksonville and October 11, Orlando Attend College Presentations at Deltona High Spring of 2016 Review PSAT results Take the ACT/SAT 2x before the end of your junior year Visit, visit colleges!
ResourceWebsite or link Mrs. Teresa Financial Aid Florida Bright Futures Florida
FSU Current Freshmen GPA:3.9 – 4.4 SAT:Math Reading ACT: SEMINOLEFANS BE AWARE
Feel free to contact me to answer any questions you may have about your student’s academic status or if you would like to schedule a meeting. Teresa Snyder x44108