Swedish Bilateral Development Cooperation (in essence Reform Cooperation) introducing the Partnership Programme Annika Palo, Policy Specialist EU Department for Reform Cooperation in Europe Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida
The Partnership Programme A specific decision of the Swedish Government of December 2008 Aiming at increasing the bilateral cooperation with the most recent EU Member States in development cooperation/reform cooperation in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans Sida given the task to make it happen – two year special effort ( )
Structure in which the Partnership Programme works: Governance in Development Cooperation the Min of Foreign Affairs and Sida Formal MFA governance of Sida: annual instruction + specific Government Decisions annual budget [frames and global direction] country cooperation strategies Informal governance: continuous dialogue regular consultations Focus on Results – Sida annual reports
Governance in Development - Country Cooperation Strategies Govern all bilateral development cooperation to a given country Do not govern multilateral or humanitarian aid (specific strategies for this) Goal- and results oriented 3-5 years, harmonisation with EC financial perspective Do not govern other policy areas but analyse how other Swedish policies and actors influence the development in the country - conflicts and synergies
Three thematic priorities for all Swedish bilateral development cooperation 1.Democracy and human rights 2.Environment and climate 3.Gender equality and the role of women in development
New goal from 2008 guiding the Swedish development cooperation with Eastern Europe and Western Balkans: ”Reform Cooperation in Eastern Europe” ” Strengthened democracy, equitable and sustainable development and closer ties with the European Union and its values.” - i.e. using the ”soft powers” of the EU as an engine for development
Status of relevant bilateral development cooperation strategies New cooperation strategies for Albania, Serbia, Ukraine (2009-) Kosovo (2009) Assignments to elaborate strategies for Georgia (received) and Turkey (awaiting) Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia 2010; Belarus, Moldova 2011; Fewer sectors (maximum three): - increased focus on results
the Partnership Programme An effort to increase the collaboration between Sweden and EU:s most recent Member States in development cooperation/reform cooperation Intent of SE Govt to make better use of transition knowledge/EU approximation processes in relevant MS: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia; Target countries are European partner countries; Albania, Belarus, BiH, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Macedonia, Serbia & Ukraine
Increasing aid effectiveness Intention of the PP is in line with the principles of aid effectiveness (as agreed in the Paris Declaration/Accra Agenda for Action): Better coordination Departing from partner’s national priorities Increased use of relevant actors (=comparative advantages) Fewer donors for partner countries to manage Increase predictability of aid
Contents of the Partnership Programme Work Plan : sharing information mapping of EU MS systems & plans; networking; training/advice/joint meetings with MS & partner countries/ development of methods concrete areas for cooperation within the frames of the regular development cooperation/EC-instruments Not a funding mechanism; Two-year effort; Specific effort to analyse the effects of the global recession
Principles of the Partnership Programme Concrete areas for cooperation – deriving from partner country’s own priorities Sharing information/networking in order to move to joint platforms &strategies & programming; delegated cooperation; programme based approaches using comparative advantages; Areas for joint EU MS actions within the EU-context – ENPI, IPA, Eastern Partnership; Increased cooperation within the frames of EU- Twinning = Increased efficiency and predictability of aid
Expected results Increased knowledge of joint areas of interest (sectors in partner countries, EU-mechanisms) Established network for exchange of views and ideas Seminars in partner countries/Brussels/etc, aiming at practical cooperation, joint ventures Increased number of joint undertakings SE-MS-EC- Other donors
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