Building 867 Project TE/MPE workshop status and schedule Presented by Tony Fowler, TE-ABT on behalf of the Project Team 28/09/2010Building 867 Project: RADWG1
Project Goals 28/09/2010Building 867 Project: RADWG2 Group and restructure all workplaces for radioactive equipment on the Prevessin site under one roof (excluding storage and Exp. Areas). Specifically concerning the following groups: BE-BI, BE-RF, EN- ICE, EN-MEF, EN-STI,TE-ABT,TE-MSC, TE-VSC. Retain key support services in proximity. Establish an access-controlled perimeter and provide comprehensive radiation monitoring and control. Each user area will be equipped with RP tools to allow use by group Radiation Protection Experts (RPE, role to be defined). A traceability system will eventually be introduced but does not fall under the project‘s mandate. Optimize the ergonomics of the work areas whilst minimizing dose (ALARA) and exposure to other risks (chemical, electrical, fire, etc.). Promote safe working practices by provision and mandatory use of appropriate safety clothing, equipment, etc and update to latest safety standards.
NorthNorth SouthSouth Jura Salève Rez de chaussée Etage Initial Layout 28/09/2010Building 867 Project: RADWG3 Note: No platform structures will be permitted in radiation controlled areas to facilitate general safety.
Proposed New Layout 28/09/2010Building 867 Project: RADWG4 Ideally the whole of building 867 would be designated as a radioactive workplace. However certain non-radioactive support activities could not be relocated at the present time due to lack of alternative space which imposed a compromise layout proposed by the 867 study group (D. Tommasini, L. Hernandez-Lopez, et al.). The two central blocks, comprising ~7100m2 of workspace, will be designated as controlled access with personnel access via two special changing rooms. The central aisle main doors will be condemned except for exceptional transport access. The zones will be delimited, where RP considerations allow, by light, modular separations to facilitate any future reorganization No permanent „residence“ within the controlled area is allowed which will require relocation of FSU offices (to adjacent office buildings?)
TE/MPE workshop (1) 28/09/2010Building 867 Project: RADWG5 A specific area dedicated to the repair of activated ‘electronics’ has been allocated The internal layout is defined Special ventilation and air conditioning is required It will be an enclosed structure comprising a steel frame clad in sandwich panels.
TE/MPE workshop (2) 28/09/2010Building 867 Project: RADWG6
Initial schedule 28/09/2010Building 867 Project: RADWG7 South zone North zone May 2010 Jan 2011 The schedule has been conceived in such a way that perturbation to the users’ technical activities will be minimized.
Schedule Constraints 28/09/2010Building 867 Project: RADWG8 AMS (9/10?) CMS (06/10)06/10 CMS/AMS (02/11) CMS (02/11) Existing tenants are required to vacate the building: Handover dates of the clean-room and ancillary work areas following the departure of AMS is presently being negotiated.. CMS have liberated one area (200m2) but larger areas (800m2) will only be vacated once building 892, block 4, becomes available, probably in March This impacts directly the TE/ABT zone and indirectly the TE/MPE area. Asbestos removal program initiated – possibility of additional delay. Some work within TE/MPE zone.
Present work-zones 28/09/2010Building 867 Project: RADWG9
Latest Schedule 28/09/2010Building 867 Project: RADWG10 South zone North zone May 2010 Jan 2011 Detailed schedule at
Safety 28/09/2010Building 867 Project: RADWG11 Coordination Safety coordination will be ensured for the entire duration of the project by EN/GMS. Daily presence on site by the Safety Coordinator is anticipated Safe working procedures are presently being defined, in collaboration with the appropriate service groups, for all phases of work such as removal of electrical cabling and water piping, demolition of concrete structures, removal of asbestos, floor painting, etc. Safety File A Safety file will be established for the building: Each user group will be asked to identify and describe the different work activities undertaken in its work zone(s) On the basis of this, DGS/SEE and DGS/RP will make a detailed risk analysis of each work zone DGS/SEE and DGS/RP will cooperate on the optimization of work coordination, work procedures, handling tools, design and choice of materials to minimize the radiation dose to personnel and to mitigate exposure to other risks such electrical, chemical, fire, etc.