Ansa McAl in the CSME Kelvin Mahabir Sector Head-Manufacturing Ansa McAl Group of Companies
Who is Ansa McAl Large conglomerate with presence via trading or operating companies in all territories of Caricom - Banking/Insurance - Manufacturing – light & medium, petrochemicals - Brewing - Retail/Services - Distribution - Automotive
Financial Indicators Market capitalization TT$6.2bn Annual Revenue TT$3.5bn Profit after tax TT$0.53bn Significant debt capacity
Ansa McAl’s experiences Duty-free movement of products into member state countries Access to markets from Belize to Suriname Access to senior personnel Allows for greater cost efficiency Market & profit growth fuelling expansion Acquisitions – beer, retail
Ansa McAl’s experiences Large breweries entering small markets using global strength Barriers – Environmental Tax Guyana Inefficiency at Ports and Customs –higher transaction costs Competition policy agenda– bias against large/dominant players Dumping of beer, matches
Suggestions for the CSME Private Sector/CAIC given a greater role in the implementation of the single economy i.e. provided with funding based on structured action plans to deliver results in the designated time frames Harmonization of legislation so that the region operates as a single economic space – anti- dumping actions Choose winners in market niches & promote conditions for world class firm development Consistency of specifications via uniform standards (with enforcement)throughout the region – goods & services
Suggestions for the CSME Development fund – use to develop futuristic and complimentary rather than competitive markets Mergers & acquisitions – must be looked at from perspective of economies of scale & international competitiveness Formation of a single stock exchange Single currency A single economic space, no internal barriers; with coordination and then transformation of regional economic and social policies
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