Trends in alcohol marketing New products Digital marketing Alcohol as a health food Stakeholder marketing
Alcohol Web Sites Fifty-five alcohol Web sites tracked by comScore Media Metrix during the last six months of 2003 had almost 700,000 in- depth visits from underage youth. Almost 60% of’s and almost half of’s in- depth visits were from underage youth. With the help of parent volunteers in seven states and the District of Columbia, CAMY tested eight leading parental control software packages and found that 76% of alcohol brands eluded parental controls half the time or more.
Fans on Facebook BrandPageFansPosts in Last 2 Weeks LikesComment s Posts in Last 2 Months LikesComments Bacardi 119, , BacardiBacardi Mojito75, BacardiBacardi Torched Cherry 16, BacardiBacardi Dragon Berry 12, Heineken 465,45654, ,4403,040 HeinekenHeineken Light34, , Absolut Vodka 530, Coors Light 352, , Coors LightCoors Light Brewing Company 74, , SmirnoffSmirnoff Ice554, , SmirnoffSmirnoff US96, ,9186,699
Estimated Impressions on Twitter BrandFollowersTweetsEstimated Impressions* Bacardi18, ,206,218 Heineken2, ,402 Absolut Vodka ,760 Coors Light1, ,629 Smirnoff11,7021,1196,547,269 *Assuming Linear Follower Growth
Impressions via Top Brand-Related YouTube Videos* BrandVideo URLVideo TitleViews (Impressions) Bacardihttp:// Mojito Ad2,411,243 Heinekenhttp:// Heineken Commercial – verry funny 8,572,796 Absolut Vodkahttp:// Vodka Movie by Zach Galifanakis, Tim and Eric 1,923,074 Coors Lighthttp:// Light Jim Mora Press Conference Ad 1,059,570 Smirnoffhttp:// Partay5,582,600 *Not on brand channel
Beer Institute Advertising and Marketing Code Models and actors employed to appear in beer advertising and marketing materials should be a minimum of 25 years old, substantiated by proper identification, and should reasonably appear to be over 21 years of age. Brand Photos from Miller Lite Facebook Page
“ First, user-generated content of any kind – comments, images, videos and more – when placed on the websites of regulated industry companies, immediately become marketing messages of said company.” Jason Falls, Social Media Overseer, Doe- Anderson
Brand-Uploaded Photo
Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not contain the name of or depict Santa Claus. DISCUS Code of Responsible Practices Brand photos on Captain Morgan Facebook Page
DISCUS Code of Responsible Practices Driving while intoxicated is against the law. Beverage alcohol advertising and marketing materials should not portray, encourage or condone driving any motor vehicle while intoxicated. Fan Photo on Hennessy Facebook Page
Beer Institute Advertising and Marketing Code Fan photo from Bud Light Facebook Page Fan photo from Bud Light Lime Facebook Page Advertising or marketing materials should avoid elements that appeal primarily to persons under the legal drinking age. In considering whether beer advertising and marketing materials appeal primarily to persons under the legal drinking age, brewers should take into account the following elements among others: Symbols Language Music Gestures Entertainers or celebrities Cartoon characters Groups or organizations
Fan Photo on Jim Beam Facebook Page