20 th Century Terrorism
Terrorism Pre and Post 20 th century Pre 20 th centuryBothPost 20 th century Anarchists-Archduke Ferdinand killed Marxist Russia- workers overthrow capitalists Individuals were often targeted [powerful and wealthy] Liberate colonies- Ireland-India Small Secret Mainly carried out by young men Politically motivated Objective to overthrow political regimes Desire to advertise injustices Sectarian extremists- claim affiliation with mainstream religions or sub-nationalists groups such as Basques and Ireland Interethnic civil wars- Lebanon, Cyprus, Bosnia, Sri Lanka Radical environmentalists- oppose IMF and WTO Indiscriminate assaults on civilians Technological advantages
Extremist Groups Al Qaeda— Multinational extremist unit goal "unite all Muslims and to establish a government which follows the rule of the Caliphs." Osama Bin Laden has stated that the only way to establish the Caliphate is by force.
Nationalists Palestine/Israel –Palestinian Liberation Organization [PLO] –Hamas Basque Separatists Kurdish Separatists
Religious Ireland—IRA [Irish Republican Army] vs. Protestants India/Pakistan—Muslim vs. Hindus Indonesia—East Timor Catholics vs. Muslim majority
Ethnic Rwanda—Hutu vs. Tutsi Balkans—Bosnia Herzegovina [former Yugoslavia] –Slobodan Milosevic “ethnic cleansing” of non-Serbs
Eco-Terrorists Animal Rights Activists Whale killing Environmentalists
Genocide Definition--systematic killing of a racial or cultural group Different from war Want to know more?? Go to Human Rights Watch
Final Solution 6 million killed Why didn’t world leaders do something? Nuremberg trials—crimes against humanity –Turning point in international justice Adolph Eichman captured in Argentina televised— “I was just following orders”
Cambodia Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge The Killing Fields Trained and armed by North Vietnamese