The Environment The distance between China and the UK By: Chen Yifei
City University Prestigious journalism department High employment record in media industry Practical emphasis
Environment Journalism Specialism Duration What is the teaching and learning style Who are my classmates? Who is our teacher?
Bibi van der Zee Journalist, activist, author, lecturer … Freelance reporter covering activism and the environment for the Guardian, New Statesman, Ecologist and New Consumer Published books
Course Outline Organizations and political department Law and policies Technology Agriculture, food and animal rights Activism and its history
Coursework … ! Presentation Site visit parliamentary committee evidence session Yes, only two!
Environmental Activism in China
Site Visit Environmental Audit Committee evidence session (EAC) How to embed sustainable development across government, after the Secretary of State ’ s announcement on the future of the Sustainable Development Commission(SDC) 3 hours later… Confused…. Confused….
What I have learned Skills for journalists Analytical skill Don ’ t be afraid of the number Science knowledge
What I have learned The distance is huge! 1. Students ’ knowledge 2. Media pay attention to this topic a0a0a0/?s=idx_News 3. Government value the importance of environmental protection
Conclusion Golden chance! Enthusiasm or just a job? Establish your database