Institute of Coastal Research Self management of vendace fishery, Bothnian Bay Teija Aho, Swedish Board of Fisheries Institute of Coastal Research, Öregrund, Sweden Right-based management in Sweden
Institute of Coastal Research Self management of vendace fishery, Bothnian Bay Trawl fishery for vendance Coregonus albula Fishery started in 1960s Small-scale coastal fishery Pair-trawling max 40 vessels Spawning aggregations (roe for consumption)
Institute of Coastal Research Total biomass SSB Landings Self management - vendace trawl fishery SBF about to close the fishery!
Institute of Coastal Research Goal: to create a sustainable fishery for vendace – Project started autumn 2000, fishers initiative – All 40 (37 in 2007) vessels with fishing licenses included – Fishers steering group: six fishers – Coordination and decisions of management actions during fishing Self management of vendace trawl fishery
Institute of Coastal Research Swedish Board of Fisheries, local dept, -fishers independent sampling Fishers steering group - management decisions - cooperation with Inst. Coastal Res. Fishers management - structure Swedish Board of Fisheries, Inst. of Coastal Research - management advice - age and population analyses Trawl fishers - deliver log-books and sampling data Swedish Board of Fisheries, Control and Resource depts. -log books -fishing licenses
Institute of Coastal Research Fishers sampling One sample per haul One basket unsorted fish, randomly Each sample sorted and weighted –adult vendace >12,5 cm –juvenile vendace –whitefish –herring –other species
Institute of Coastal Research Fishers sampling - protocol
Institute of Coastal Research Provides : - total catch - catch composition - effort => basis for stock assessment (VPA) Fishers sampling
Institute of Coastal Research Swedish Board of Fisheries, local dept, -fishers independent sampling Fishers steering group - management decisions - cooperation with Inst. Coastal Res. Fishers management Swedish Board of Fisheries, Inst. of Coastal Research - management advice - age and population analyses Swedish Board of Fisheries, Control and Resource depts. -log books -fishing licenses Trawl fishers - deliver log-books and sampling data Fishers management - structure
Institute of Coastal Research Fishers independent sampling Swedish Board of Fisheries sampling: random sampling of individuals, ~ 10 kg length, weight, sex, maturation status, gonad weight, otoliths (age) age determination Provides age distribution and population characteristics (basis for assessment)
Institute of Coastal Research Swedish Board of Fisheries, local dept, -fishers independent sampling Fishers steering group - management decisions - cooperation with Inst. Coastal Res. Fishers management - structure Swedish Board of Fisheries, Inst. of Coastal Research - management advice - age and population analyses Swedish Board of Fisheries, Control and Resource depts. -log books -fishing licenses Trawl fishers - deliver log-books and sampling data
Institute of Coastal Research Inst Coastal Res. Supports steering group: Stock assessment Research activities, gear development Management advice Project administration
Institute of Coastal Research Swedish Board of Fisheries, local dept, -fishers independent sampling Fishers steering group - management decisions - cooperation with Inst. Coastal Res. Fishers management Swedish Board of Fisheries, Inst. of Coastal Research - management advice - age and population analyses Swedish Board of Fisheries, Control and Resource depts. -log books -fishing licenses Trawl fishers - deliver log-books and sampling data Fishers management - structure
Institute of Coastal Research Fishers steering group Management actions : Co-operation and communication among fishers Co-operation with ICR for e.g. sampling, gear development Reduction of fishing time CPUE Trawling hours
Institute of Coastal Research Legal reserves Fishers reserves Trawl border Management actions : Voluntary no-take areas
Institute of Coastal Research Management actions: Gear development Goal - to reduce proportion of juvenile vendace in catches by - co-operation between fishers, researchers and managers - selective panels, fixed grids, and behaviour studies retained released
Institute of Coastal Research Success story? Project start Stock biomassRecruitsTonsMillions
Institute of Coastal Research Trawl haul 2002Trawl haul 1998 Landings, tons
Institute of Coastal Research Spawning biomass has increased (mainly due to good recruitment) Landings have increased Improved gear selectivity Good communication between fishers, scientists and managers Self-management is possible! Self-management is now the standard for the vendace fishery Allow time to develop confidence and trust among involved partners Success story? YES!