Expressive Arts and Design Sing songs relating to body parts e.g. “heads, shoulders, knees and toes”, Explore using body parts, including voices, to make sounds Clap syllables in children’s names and make into patterns over a steady beat Explore different ways of making sounds with musical instruments Explore tools for painting; brushes, rollers, sponges, rags and fingers, use these tools to print patterns Name colours and experiment with them Learn how to mix powder paints and record what happens Use imagination or observation to create paintings of their choice Look at some famous self portraits and interpret their style. Paint pictures of own choice using skills learned Listen to a variety music and interpret it in movement R.E. (Religious Education) Thinking about ‘Special People’. This will include family, friends and the school community as well as finding out about Special people in the Bible. Personal, Social and Emotional Development Formulate class rules together Discuss consequences of breaking rules Look at photographs of children when they were babies Play “inside-out” – where each member of the class says something nice about a chosen child. Wash, dress and undress baby dolls in role play and water tray. Play name games to familiarise each other with new class members Role play rules and manners to establish class protocols Explore stories about caring for each other through role-play, small world and puppetry. Play circle games and matching games to emphasise turn-taking. Explore the school building and meet all the staff- make a board to display the people who help us in school Develop relationships between Year R and Year 6 buddies Preparing for Harvest Festival and being grateful for all we have and how we can help others. Oak's Topic Plan Term Me and My School Literacy. Texts: Lucy and Tom go to school, Greedy Jack, Owl babies, Titch Retell above texts with magnetic story props/small world toys/puppets and in role play area Signs and labels for classroom and role-play area using ICT Labels and captions for body, tasting and smelling investigations Contribute to big class information book about senses. Make books in body shape Make growth zig-zag book from baby to grandparent. Make I spy books (eye shaped) Contribute to class lift the flap book – knock, knock, who’s there, someone beginning with? Focus on names Form letters in name correctly using pens, paints, sand, by labelling models + signing up for class surveys. Ongoing phonics programme ‘Letters and Sounds’ phase 2 Communication and Language Circle time, class activities, singing, discussions in small groups. Observation of 'talk' happening in child-initiated play. Adults modelling correct skills. Listening to stories, anticipating what comes next. Role play areas story telling talking with other children to create a combined outcome Physical Development. Play starting and stopping on a signal games Explore ways of travelling using different body parts Do aerobics classes to music and explore changes to bodies afterwards Make plates of dough food (healthy/non-healthy) Sort out pictures/menus of healthy and non-healthy foods and display as a pictogram. Design and paint posters concerning personal hygiene routines Make a class book about things that help us to grow healthily and things that don’t Role play keeping “baby” clean and well-fed Talk about effects of exercise after PE or outside play Practice sewing skills by punching holes in shapes (body, face) to sew through Play sending and receiving games with bats and balls, etc Understanding the World Getting to know the class and school environment and the people in it Using the ipads to take photographs of staff and places in school Using directional language to direct each other around Playing with Beebots and other programmable toys and programme their movements Cookery, making flavoured jelly and child shaped biscuits Looking at the change in seasons- from Summer to Autumn Making a collection of natural items on a welly walk for display in the class Looking at changes in ourselves over time, e.g. when I was a baby I could …, Now I can … Celebrating Harvest Festival with the community and talking about celebrations at home. How do we celebrate different occasions? Describing themselves and thinking how they are different/the same as other children in the class Mathematics Contribute to pictogram / graph about eye colour or hair colour and count responses Collect information in a survey about favourite colours Record favourite tastes / smells in a pictogram and count responses Sort out pictures healthy and non-healthy foods and display as a pictogram. Make age pictogram which changes over the year “I am 4, I am 5” picture moves on child’s birthday Measure heights using large plastic bricks Compare heights and weights of children. Order heights of groups of children Sort sets of animals, compare bears, play people, shapes and other classroom objects by size and compare and order Devise different ways to measure and compare heights of children Play counting games using fingers (and toes) Reciting numbers to 10 and then 20 and recognising the numerals Describing and naming common 2D shapes and using language to describe size and position. Continuing repeating patterns using various criteria, e.g. size, colour.