St. James’ C of E Primary School Rusholme, Manchester Celebrations At our School
Harvest La Cosecha En setiembre celebramos La Cosecha. This year we grew fruit and vegetables then harvested them to sell at school. We also had a treasure hunt and a sweet stall.
Halloween En octubre celebramos Halloween. The Nursery make a spooky display. Everyone dresses up as monsters, pumpkins, vampires, witches and ghosts, even the teachers!
Divali En octubre o noviembre celebramos Divali. It is a Hindu Festival of Light to remember when Rama rescued Seeta. We make Divali lamps called Divas. At home we light candles and put them around the house.
Eid En diferentes meses celebramos Eid, depende de la luna. At Eid Muslim children don’t go to school. We have family parties, we get new clothes, sometimes presents or money and eat LOADS !
Remembrance Day This is when we remember people who died in war. Lo celebramos en noviembre. We sell poppies and give the money to families who have suffered because of war.
Christmas En diciembre celebramos Navidad. At school we have parties, a play, carols and even a visit from Santa! Then we have two weeks’ holiday!
Do you like our celebrations? We are looking forward to your next letters and powerpoints! ¡Hasta luego!