W HAT IS A POWERFUL PORTFOLIO ? Portfolios where work samples are collected or ‘all about me’ slides are produced are NOT examples of authentic assessment. Portfolios that support authentic assessment reflect the thinking. This puts the student in charge of their own learning which occurs when they understand their place within it.
PURPOSE TEACHER Shift from teacher to shared responsibility Strong feedback from students = clarification of student progress Motivated or Independent students = engaged learners Identifies next step for planning both for the class and the individual student Matches students perceptions of understanding with teachers
PURPOSE STUDENT Responsibility for own learning Ability to recognise the next steps in learning Loses the need to be right- focus on learning Builds confidence and ownership through active involvement Builds independence and motivation
S OME QUESTIONS TO ASK. What does an authentic student portfolio look like? What is its purpose at Glenferrie Primary school? Do they have a student voice in them? Where should we start? What will we use? Folders, display books, scrap books. Where will they be housed? Chair bags, central container. What materials will be needed? Paper, card, photocopying (colour?) Cost of the materials, does it come from the book list or a curriculum budget?
S PECIFIC F OCUS Some examples of different types of portfolios: Year’s Duration Portfolio Literacy Portfolio Numeracy Portfolio Integrated Portfolio Best Work Portfolio- (Could lead towards an exhibition) Student Wellbeing Portfolio- (Habits of the Mind, bullying etc) Goal setting Portfolio Portfolios are only limited by the imagination of both teacher and students. Provided the purpose is clear, shared and conducive to authentic assessment, then the time is ripe to begin the journey.
GETTING STARTED What is learning? When will we work on our portfolios? What is the purpose of our portfolio? What should be in our portfolio? What should work in our portfolio look like?
THE JOURNEY What do we do first? Front page Contents page or index Learning Styles activity Goal setting
WHERE’S IT GOING? Able to accept responsibility for and assume control of their learning. Learner engages in the process of thinking about their own learning. Have a wider variety of tools to support the success of both current and future learning. Students are using metacognition as a natural part of their learning journey. A real conversation about learning is promoted. The student invites and involves the parents to step into their world for a short period of time as seen through the eyes of their child.
WHERE’S IT GOING? Another dimension to the existing way of doing things is added. The process of assessment and reporting is improved. Student to focus on strengths and weaknesses. A supportive, trusting and structured environment is provided for the interview. Comments from the interview aren’t left to parental interpretation. The ‘Chinese whispers’ problem associated with traditional student and teacher interviews is alleviated.
H OW DID WE GO ? What did you set out to achieve through developing a portfolio? What does the portfolio tell people about you? What do you like most about your portfolio? What challenged you? How has the portfolio helped you? How could you make it more effective if you were to do it again? What surprised you? What has the portfolio helped you learn about yourself?