Narrative notes Peer S. Daugbjerg SMERG, AAU
Freema Elbaz-Luwisch, Associate Professor Ph.D., Education, University of Toronto, Research Interests Teachers knowledge; Change processes in teaching; Multiculturalism; Narrative and biographical research; Story and narrative as modes of learning and professional development Keywords teachers knowledge, life story, narrative Research Disciplines: education Page Last updated on 30/01/2008, University of Haifa, Israel
5 themes in her review Curriculum stories Teacher’s lives and identity Interaction of knowledge and context Stories of change Diversity of education - Italics are my add-ons to her presentation of narrative investigation
Curriculum stories The sacred stories Secret cover stories Conveying matters of human and moral weight -Vygotsky, Activity theory, Bakhtin
Teachers lives, stories and identities The influence of life history on work and careers of teachers Vocation – Kaijas story How, where, when and to whom are the stories told -Goodson, Clandinin & Donnelly, ”Literature” analysis of the Narratives -Is the story exaggerated, understated, objective or empathic
Knowledge and context Professional knowledge landscape Place, time and relations Schools in reform contexts! -Clandinin and Connelly, Professional Knowledge Network
Stories of change Teacher identities are broad (does she mean has several roles?) Selfunderstanding and vulnerability Resonance between reform initiative and own pursuasion – Yaels story -Elbaz-Luwisch, Bakhtin
Diversity in teaching Trust and rapport with participant –A comfort zone and a blind spot NEW experience gives new insight Combining strategies, experiences and emotions. - Craig, Elbaz-Luwisch
More blind spots Remain critical towards practice Beware of psychologism and ideologism Keep open for other perspectives Beware of causalities -Hargreaves, Gudmundsdottir, Bourdieu
Narrative vs. observation A narrative includes interpretation, reflection, history, environment, relations, ontogenesis, participant-filtered and exclusion of experiences An Observation is instananeous, participant- unpolluted, unreflected registration of appearances
The distributed example ? Guide: Started with too many questions..\..\livshistorieforskning i via\egen undersøgelse\Livshistorieprojektet spørgeguide vers 1.doc Looking for –Ways into the teaching profession –Careers within the teaching profession –Contribution to a collective picture of the teacher profession –Can there be extracted a joint story???
NEW approach Now I will limit it to 5 –Childhood and home –Teenage and schools –Why teacher education –How teaching –Whats next Writings from the teachers: Most significant episodes 2nd interview after analysis of this material.
An interesting example Teaching Science in a Poor Urban School in Pakistan: Tensions in the Life History of a Female Elementary Teacher life history science teacher pakistan.pdf A full analysis