Main Findings/Deliverables Useable site for free exchange of resources and discussions: General information and active m3f student site Habits of mind and practice (comfort level) enCORE learning and exchange of ideas
Main Findings/Deliverables Providing a process and development of new resources: Secondary educators in the new media digital arts community have limited opportunity to develop new curriculum material. * Training the Trainers Symposium (T3S) workshop Furthermore, technology is under utilized in most subject disciplines. It is hoped that through this site new curriculum ideas are developed. * Festival – Student Workshop
Main Findings/Deliverables Providing a process and development of new resources: This is an opportunity for free access not only for teachers in Ontario but internationally. Teachers could plug in and self-direct interdisciplinary curriculum for a culturally diverse student population that exemplify good practices and highlight the variety of ways students learn. * KITL room
Implications for Open Source/Open Access Student based educational project Students become the centre and work with software developers to create a sub-enCORE layer for secondary educators interested in new media. Student collected materials/curriculum ideas for resource section of enCORE – for free access of information. Student established dialogues between industry and secondary teachers to promote the growth of the site.
Implications for Open Source/Open Access Student would develop a way for the M3F teachers’ conference to be available ‘on site’ so that there would be no limitation of attending conference on new media. Student would develop ways to increase communication practices between teachers (participatory method). Student would develop links for secondary teachers to become more aware of post-secondary media programs.
What communities are affected?
How I benefited from SEP Gained insight into wiki systems and how this can be used not only for documentation but following ideas Found that enCORE had a potention for new media industry, teachers and students to engage in discussion Watched the evolution for community development Proud to be part of an open-source system to develop curriculum and share ideas
Conclusions and Next Steps Curriculum development for industry and teachers Moving system into more subject discipline More International connections for students, teachers and industry Way to follow evolution
Thank You