Welcome to Parent Information Night!
Ways to Contact Me Mrs. McCormick - Mrs. Canlas - David Elementary Conference Period 10:05-11:00
Birthday Celebrations Please do not send homemade food. It has to be store bought with the ingredient label present. (No nuts or nut oil) Please consider bringing non-food item such as scented pencils, erasers, trinkets, etc. to pass out to class. All birthday items should be dropped off at the office by 1:00pm. Birthday celebrations happen in the classroom the last 10 minutes of the school day.
Transportation If there is a change in transportation, please or call the office by 2 p.m. to inform us of the change. If we have no note or phone call, your child will have to go by the daily transportation we have on file. RAINY DAY DISMISSAL There are no walkers on rainy days. If your child is normally a walker, you can pick them up in the car line. It will help with our student's safety and with efficiency of dismissal.
Everyday Counts We all want our students to get a great education, and the building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each day. Attendance patterns are established early – a child regularly missing days in the early years of school will often continue to miss classes in later years, and receive lower test scores. Arrange family vacations during school holidays so that children miss as little school as possible. Establish and stick to the basic routines (going to bed early, waking up on time, etc.) that will help your child develop the habit of on-time attendance. Did you know that attendance rates are used for school state report cards and federal accountability? In David Elementary had an attendance rate of 97.6%, which put us in Quartile 1 (top rating).
Language Arts Fiction Nonfiction Expository Procedural Poetry Drama Traditional Literature (Fables, Legends, and Myths) Folk Tales Research
Writing Personal narratives Imaginative stories Persuasive Expository (Informational and Procedural) Poetry Research
Library & AR Library Library is scheduled for Thursdays. Students can check out 3 books at a time. Your child should have their books in class everyday for independent reading time. Please help remind your child to bring all of their books every Thursday. AR Students will take tests over their three library books during class time. Students will have a reading range through AR to help them select books on their level. *Grading Period 1: AR is not a grade *Period 2, 3, and 4: Teachers will set an AR goal which will result in a test grade.
Language Arts Homework Students should read at least 5 nights per week. *Read 20 Minutes *Practice Word Work Pattern (Test on Friday over pattern) *Parents Sign Reading Log
Math First Half of the Year Graphing Number Patterns to 600 Place Value to 600 Addition and Subtraction to 20 Money 2 digit +/- with and without regrouping Measurement
Math Second Half of the Year Number Patterns to 1,200 Place Value to 1,200 3 digit +/- Geometry Fractions Multiplication and Division Personal Financial Literacy
Science Science Safety What is a scientist? Matter Combining Materials Light energy Heat energy Sound energy Magnets Motion Rocks
Science Continued Water Resources Water cycle Weather Earth and Space Plant and animal needs Plant and animal environments Organisms Insect life cycles Projects
Math Homework Tuesday Night - Due Wednesday Thursday Night - Due Friday
Thank you for coming! We look forward to a great school year.