The Life of María Eva Duarte de Perón
Eva’s Childhood Born May 7, 1919 (exactly 60 years before Mrs. Schmeling) in Los Toldos, a province of Buenos Aires. Mother: Juana Ibarguren Father: Juan Duarte
The children lived with their mother The children lived with their mother. Their father was middle class and had another family. Rumors that Eva couldn’t go to her father’s funeral because she wasn’t from the same social class. Eva and sister loved to entertain. Attended primary school Constant curiosity
Move to Junin In 1930, the family moved to find a better future. Eva pursued acting and modeling. When Eva was 16 she moved to Buenos Aires to further her career. Augustin Magaldi was a singer and one of Eva’s boyfriends
Buenos Aires Time of misery, unemployment, and hunger. Radio shows were popular. Eva co-owned a radio company at the age of 20. 1937: Eva’s first time on the big screen
Juan meets Eva 1943: Military coup ousted President Castillo Constant power struggle between military and civilian government Colonel Juan Perón becomes Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare.
Jan. 1944: Earthquake in San Juan destroyed 90% of the city. Juan Perón organized a benefit for the victims inviting the popular stars of the region, including Eva. Juan and Eva begin dating after the benefit.
“When Eva Duarte, actress, leaves the radio stage Eva Perón will take her place. Her voice will continue to reach each home, not as the incarnation of another woman’s but her own.” (Evita Peron Historical Research Foundation, 1997)
Controversy Begins Military is irritated with Eva and Juan’s relationship 1944: Juan designated as Vice President of Argentina 1945: Perón forced to resign by civilian officials The working class initiates a strike for Perón’s return to office.
Eva and Juan Oct. 22, 1945: civil marriage ceremony. Dec. 10, 1945: religious ceremony
1946: Juan elected President Eva is not a typical first lady. She is not content to sit and do nothing. She wants to help people. The ‘high class’ society doesn’t approve.
“I am Eva Perón, the wife of the President, whose work is simple and agreeable… and I am also Evita, the wife of the leader of a people who have deposited in him all their faith, hope, and love.”
The Peron’s Relationship Eva is “the bridge” and brings the people to Juan. Gives credit to Juan Rumors that they had a tense marriage
1946 Rainbow Tour Eva traveled to promote Peron and his philosophies Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, Switzerland… Met with Heads of State and the Pope Mixed emotions by other countries
The Eva Perón Foundation June 19, 1948 Non-profit organization created to provide a national safety net. Helped women, children, poor, elderly
Eva Peron Foundation, cont. Concern for education, entertainment, and health of children Built 1000 schools in Argentina Created Children’s City, which was an orphanage to help children.
Built hospitals and orphanages “the country which forgets its children renounces its future.”(Eva Peron)
The Foundation donated modern medical equipment to hospitals. The Eva Perón Hospital Tren crisscrossed the nation.
1951: Foundation helps develop the School of Nurses. Foundation survived for several years after Eva’s death.
Either love her or hate her Helped the poor, elderly, and children Could relate to them personally Inappropriate activities for a First Lady. Did not like lower class roots in gvt.
1951: Evita the Vice- President?
June, 1952 Eva’s last public appearance at Juan’s 2nd inauguration. Eva died of uterine cancer on July 26, 1952, at the age of 33.
Eva Peron’s cadaver and the mortician who preserved it.
Eva’s funeral was attended by masses of people in Buenos Aires Eva’s funeral was attended by masses of people in Buenos Aires. All of the flower shops in the area ran out of flowers. Thousands of people mourned her death. The following are photos from Eva’s funeral.
Controversy after Death Eva’s body was on display until Juan was overthrown in 1955. It was then flown to Milan, Italy and buried. In 1971, her body was dug and flown to Spain.
In 1974, Eva was flown back to Argentina and displayed next to Juan’s. She was then re-buried in her family’s tomb.
Evita’s Legacy Helped obtain suffrage for women. Compared to Mother Teresa and Princess Diana.