Awards & Recognition MEMBERSHIP Awards/Recognition/PAOE
Awards & Recognition PROGRAMS PAOE – Presidential Award of Excellence Blue & Red Ribbon Green Ribbon Lincoln Bouillon Award
Awards & Recognition PAOE Set by the Society president A points system for goal setting An awards competition between chapters In many ways, a job description! Minimum = 500 points, Par = 800 points All PAOE details are on - must login to access Staying active with PAOE ensures your chapter stays on track with membership. Note: PAOE changes each year, so be sure you are looking at PAOE for the current fiscal ASHRAE year.
Awards & Recognition PAOE 300 points if annual chapter goal (as assigned by RVC) is met (50 additional points for each percent increase in area assigned member growth beyond annual goal) 200 points if Society membership delinquencies in chapter are 3% or less of total Chapter Area Assigned Members 75 points for organizing an employer recognition event to promote the benefits of ASHRAE membership for company members (maximum of two events) 75 points for MP and YEA Chairs sitting on the Chapter CTT Committee to ensure chapter programs are developed relevant to the chapter membership 50 points if committee size is 5 or 3% of chapter members (whichever is less)
Awards & Recognition PAOE 50 points for Membership Promotion Night at chapter meeting (100 points maximum) 25 points for retention of each new member (dues paid second and third year/300 points maximum) 25 points for chapter officers or MP Chair promoting ASHRAE membership to local companies (e.g. reception, one/one meeting, company presentation) in order to increase their support in ASHRAE (150 points maximum) 10 points for each upgrade from associate to member 5 points for recognition of new members and advancements at each chapter meeting (50 points maximum)
Awards & Recognition PAOE YEA Activities: 50 points for each YEA Night (100 points maximum) 25 points for each new member in Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) category (maximum 300 points) RVC Assigns: 150 points for the incoming Chapter Membership Promotion committee chair attending centralized training 100 points for a MP Chair holding the position for a 2 nd or 3 rd year 75 points for planning/goal setting session with RVC (points assigned by RVC by October 1)
Awards & Recognition PAOE RVC Assigns: 50 points for the incoming chapter Membership Promotion Committee Chair attending the MP CRC workshop 50 points for the first chapter in each region to reach PAR (points to be assigned by RVC and will be based upon the RVC reviewing points reported on the Society webpage and chapter contacting RVC when PAR is reached) 30 points for each pairing of mentors with new members and/or YEA mentees, and provide summary report to MP RVC on mentoring activities based on YEA Mentoring Program (300 points maximum, points assigned by RVC by June 30) 0 to 50 points for achieving goals established in goal-setting session with RVC (points assigned by RVC by June 30)
Awards & Recognition HOW TO ENTER PAOE From, go to Society Groups tab and click Chapters Scroll down and click on the link for PAOE page Login with your address and your personal password (center of screen) Select the link to Update PAOE Chapter Totals (Authorized Users Only) Select the correct year ( , etc.); enter your chapter’s logon and password (use all lower case, no spacing, the last three characters of the password are numeric) – if you do not have your chapter’s logon or password, Select the PAOE category to enter points If needed, detailed instructions with screenshots are located towards the bottom of the PAOE pagePAOE
Awards & Recognition RED & BLUE RIBBON The Blue & Red Ribbon Awards recognize the membership successes of individual chapters To qualify, chapters must reach par in the membership growth column of the PAOE First-place is awarded to the chapter in each region that obtains the highest points in the Membership Promotion category of the PAOE – the award consists of a blue ribbon and is accompanied by a certificate Second-place is awarded to the chapter in each region that obtains the second highest points in the Membership Promotion category of the PAOE – the award consists of a red ribbon, and is accompanied by a certificate Presentation and recognition for the awards is held at the Chapter Regional Conference (CRC)
Awards & Recognition GREEN RIBBON Established in 2009 Recognizes and supports online membership transactions (applications and renewals) in honor of sustainability The chapter in each region with the highest percentage (based on number of members) of online transactions receives the award Presentation and recognition for the award is held at the Chapter Regional Conference (CRC)
Awards & Recognition LINCOLN BOUILLON AWARD Established in 1967 in memory of President Lincoln Bouillon, this award is given each year to the Society member who has performed the most outstanding job in supporting the membership of the Society. Criteria include: Increasing chapter membership Reducing the number of delinquent members Increasing the number of members who upgrade their membership (Advancements) The recipient is determined by majority vote of the Society Membership Promotion Committee and confirmed by the Board of Directors. Chapters should consider top membership performers from the previous ASHRAE year and submit those names as recommendations to their RVC by Sept. 15.
Awards & Recognition Q&A What questions do you have about the awards and recognition of Membership Promotion?