Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Introduction The NIKHEF production Three Production Schemes –MPI NOW –MPI FUTURE –NIKHEF CLAMPS Conclusions Appended: photographs Production of Muon
Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) MPI-NOW West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras Tubes from Dubna Gluing at MPI-Munich Installation gas-system at MPI Test+leak-fix at Garching(Munich) 17 chambers sofar, proven 8 day production cycle. How? s
Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) MPI-NOW West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras Spacer glued inside, finished outside: Day 1: bring in bare cross- plates+longbeams --> Glue spacer Day 2: –remove spacer, bring in a fully prepared (sensors+cabling). –Glue Tubes Day 3 - 7: Glue all tube layers s Minimal 7 days; in practice 8 days. + We can adopt this procedure directly at NIKHEF + Requires no hardware changes + Outside cleanroom no special mechanics, no experts - No RASNIK pre-test (+still could) - Day 2 is busy. Could start in A-
Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) MPI-Future West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras Spacer fully prepared outside cleanroom on standard industrial iron ‘worktable’ (100um precision, costs ~50k) Day 1: Bring in spacer+Glue tubes Day 2-6: Glue tube layers s Minimal 6 days; in practice probably sometimes 7 days. + Optimal use of granite table - Requires large irreversible investment - Requires experts outside cleanroom - Day 1 is busy. Could start in A-
Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) NIKHEF-CLAMPS West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras Spacer + sensors prepared outside cleanroom using temporary clamps ( requires worktable ~1cm precision, costs~5k) Day 1: bring in spacer + glue Day 2-7: Glue tube layers s Minimal 7 days; in practice probably 8 days. + Allows full RASNIK pre-test - Requires mechanics+space - Some expertise needed outside cleanroom
Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Conclusions West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras Any change in procedure will badly affect efficiency around granite table Therefore, adopt MUNICH-NOW: small change, maximal effect. NIKHEF-CLAMPS allows RASNIK pre- tests, but it requires a special setup with some precision MUNICH-FUTURE. Would save 90 days, costs probably also 90 days+50k. Anyway: wait for experience of MPI If really necessary, Saturdays for spacer gluing could be introduced in the MUNICH- NOW scheme. s
Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Introduction West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras KEY TO FAST PRODUCTION: Only use the granite table for work that requires the granite table (=precision) But realize: such approach only would be efficacious if granite table is the bottle neck in the assembly process! Thus, the very first step is to ensure that the granite table is used full-time! Let’s have a look at MPI Then, Let us study three possible production scenarios s
Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) MPI production West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras People work concentrated, not interrupted by physicists or loud music Preparations are done very carefully and where possible in advance One expert technician guides two younger persons. The people seem to feel very proud and responsible for their work. s Probably it has a positive effect if somebody is in charge around the granite table who gives guidance to youngsters.
Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Organization West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras We can give up the Frascati tension check on the table. Can be done in advance by anybody (think about: safe tube handling!) We can put the clocking pins on the tubes well in advance! We can do the RASNIK measurements with finished chamber outside cleanroom s