Get Ready B Your Friends Part II (第二课时)
1. Act out your dialogue in pairs. e.g. Lily Jerry Mike
Lily meets Jerry. Lily wants to go to the library. Mike helps Lily find the science book.
2. Look and say. applecatcatsnakea a
2. Look and say. pencilssheegg e
2. Look and say. kite h fish bike i
2. Look and say. dogdogfrogdogdog old o
2. Look and say. musicnutsnutsrunrun u
a eiou
applesnakea a [ei] Does a have the same sound? [æ][æ]
3. Look and listen. (Ex. 5)
4. Listen and say. (Ex. 5) [æ][æ] [ei]
4. Listen and say. (Ex. 5) [e] [i:]
4. Listen and say. (Ex. 5) [ i ] [ai]
4. Listen and say. (Ex. 5) [ɔ][ɔ] [ əu ]
4. Listen and say. (Ex. 5) [ʌ][ʌ] [ ju: ]
Sum up the sounds of the letters.
5. Match the word with the correct sound. apple catcatmathssnakename [æ][æ] [ei]
pencilseggsevenshehehe [i:] [e]
kitefishbikehistoryfive [ai][ i ]
dogdogfroggeographyold [ əu ] [ɔ][ɔ]
runrunnutsbusbusmusicstudent [ʌ][ʌ] [ ju: ]
Read the words aloud. [ æ ] [ ei ] [ e ] [ i: ] [ i ] [ ai ] [ ɔ ] [ ə u ] [ʌ][ʌ] [ ju: ] applecatcatmaths snake name pencilsegg seven shehehe fishhistory kitebikefive dogdog geography old runrunnutsbusbus musicstudent
6. Read and find the underlined word with the same sound as each word below. (Ex. 6) 1 name- ________ favourite
6. Check the answers. (Ex. 6) 1 name - _________ 2 at -__________ 3 he - _________ 4 even - 5 histor y - ________ 6five - ________ 7 hello - ____ 8 student - _____ favorite maths wehello _____ __ his nine old___music
7. Read the note again and answer questions.
8. Circle the words with different sounds. (Ex. 7) 1 a) Canada b) thank c) Australia 2 a) very b) she c) eleven 3 a) often b) old c) hello 4 a) fine b) Chinese c) it 5 a) six b) China c) this 6. a) student b) music c) bus
9. Game. Work in pairs. Choose a sound and test your partner. (Ex. 8) Example: A: Say a word with the [ ] sound. B: Maths. C: Yes! 学案 -2 apple, nuts, bus, frog, she, six, China, Canada, very, dog, history, seven, name, old, student, maths, geography, music, hello, Australia, it, favorite, fine, often, Chinese, we, nine, thank, eleven, this
Homework 1. 听录音,大声朗读 Ex. 5 、 Ex.6 和 Ex. 7 中的单词。 2. 在作业本上把学案 Ex.2 方框中的词按 照五个元音字母的不同发音进行归类。