©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.1 Studying the Fundamental Particles Particle physicists see the world as made up of a small number of fundamental particles: QUARKS: up, down, charm, strange, top, and bottom LEPTONS: electron, electron-neutrino, muon, muon-neutrino, tau, tau-neutrino Force carrying particles: photon, W/Z boson, gluon, graviton Special “mass generating particle”: Higgs Special Features Only the up and down quarks, and the electron, are in the matter around us The masses of the particles vary wildly: the up, down and electron are much less massive than a hydrogen atom, while the top quark is more massive than a gold atom! The Higgs particle – which we think can help explain these masses of the particles – is predicted by our theory, but has not been observed (yet!)
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.2 The Fundamental Particles
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.3 Studying the Fundamental Particles Some reasonable questions to ask: Are there any other “fundamental particles”? Why are the masses of these fundamental particles so different? Why is the top quark so massive? Does the Higgs particle really exist? To answer these questions we need: To be able to make at least some of these fundamental particles To be able to study them in great detail Since particles like the top quark are very massive, we will need a lot of energy to do this (Remember, E=mc 2 ) One way to do this: Use “Particle Accelerators” and “colliders” to get the necessary high energy to make interesting particles Use “Particle Detectors” to take “photographs” of these newly created particles
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.4 Particle Accelerators Accelerators are machines used to speed up particles to very high energies. This way, we achieve two things: We decrease the particle’s wavelength, so we can use it to probe inside atoms, nuclei, even quarks. We increase its energy, and since E = mc 2, we can use that energy to create new, massive particles that we can study. Tevatron Accelerator at Fermilab
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.5 FNAL: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Fermilab is located in Batavia, Illinois (about an hour west of Chicago). Fermilab is home to the Tevatron, the world’s highest- energy particle accelerator. Fermilab is also a park, with 1,100 acres of prairie- restoration land! Danger of working too hard at physics!
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.6 The Accelerator Complex Linac Cockcroft-Walton Booster Anti-protons Tevatron
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.7 Practical Facts FNAL -- about 2500 employees work there on the payroll. On any given day, there are probably another users on location FNAL budget is about $320 million dollars per year Power cost Is this worth it? Currently, the US Gov’t spends less than 0.5% of its total GNP on (ALL) knowledge based scientific research.
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.8 Beam Facts How many particles in the beam? 10^14 protons 10^14 antiprotons Grouped in 36 packets Total collision energy of 1.8TeV Each packet has the energy of a car! But the beam has the width of a human hair! Protons and antiprotons are circulated in opposite directions about a four-mile-long tunnel. The beams are focused and steered by over a thousand superconducting magnets When running Fermilab uses 60MW of electricity (about what is used by a small city in the summertime) How fast are they moving? Really fast! c
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.9 Collisions are important events! After particles have been accelerated, they collide either with a target (fixed target experiments) or with each other (colliding beam experiments). These collisions are called events. New particles are created in such a collision. Most of them quickly decay, but we can look at their decay products using detectors. More energy in initial state to make new particles
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.10 Our detectors are HUGE! ALEPH ALEPH detector at CERN CDF CDF detector at FNAL A lot of HEP detectors are as big as a house -- several stories high! A lot of HEP detectors are as big as a house -- several stories high!
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.11 The CDFII Collaboration 700+ scientists 55+ institutions 11+ countries Students Postdoc’s Professors Research Scientists
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.12 A brief history of CDF 1985: First collisions with partial detector 1987: Core detector in place. Jet physics 1988/9: “Run 0” – we got 4x the expected data see lots of W/Z’s : “Run I” – add silicon detector. Discover the top quark 2001-?: Run II era begins with essentially a new detector, higher collision energy, and more data. We want to discover what hasn’t even been thought of.
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.13 CDF detector roll-in Feb 2001 Detector weight: 5000 tons. Don’t drop on your toe! “Channels”: Approximately 2 million. Cost of detector: About $400 million (materials and construction only, no salaries).
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.14 Trying to find a top quark! What happens when we collide a proton and an anti-proton? Some jargon: a collision is called an “Event” If they hit nearly head on, then the energy in this collision can turn into new particles. What kinds of particles are created? Many different kinds are possible, as long as the total mass is less than what you would get from E=mc 2 ! Aside from this, exactly which kinds of particles are created is random, although some particles are more likely than others to be created. New particles p p
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.15 Trying to find a top quark! It is possible that a given proton-antiproton collision could make a pair of top quarks (actually one top and one antitop) But this is very rare: only 1 in every 10 billion collisions! Luckily, we have ~2 million collisions/second (Doing the math: pair of top quarks made every 1½ hours!) Let’s imagine this happens. How do we know we have a top quark in this “event”? t p t p
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.16 Pattern Recognition It turns out that when top quarks are created, they don’t live very long….only about 1 yoctosecond…. Each top quark decays into two other particles: a b quark (or anti-quark) and one of the force carrier particles: the W boson. Both the W boson and the b quarks also decay The b’s decay into a spray of particles called a “jet” The W’s decay in two ways: Sometimes 2 “jets” Sometimes a lepton (electron, muon, tau) and a neutrino jet
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.17 Trying to find a top quark! jet t p p b (jet) W+W+ W-W- electron t So here is what we can look for Events in which one W decayed to a lepton and neutrino, while the other W decayed to two jets Including the two b quarks, we want events which have a lepton, a neutrino, and 4 “jets”
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.18 What does an event look like? Fermilab; p.18 ©2004 Richard E. Hughes
Fermilab; p.19 A Candidate top-antitop event Jet 1 Jet 3 Jet 2 Jet 4 electron neutrino
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.20 How do we identify top-antitop events? Top pair events have an “M.O”: for example: an electron, a neutrino, and 4 “jets” How hard is it to find them? BACKGROUND: Things that share the above “M.O.” but are not top events There are about as many “BACKGROUND” events expected as top events How do we tell the difference? We use Advanced Analysis Techniques Examples: Genetic algorithms Neural Networks …..
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.21 Artificial Neural Networks
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.22 Constructing an Artificial Neural Network
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.23 What does the data look like? Mostly top quarks up here, about 90 total events Mostly background events down here, about 430 total events
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.24 A more enriched sample? Remember that every top-antitop event has two b quarks Background events tend to NOT have b quarks Is it possible to identify events in which there are 2 b jets? YES! Use a device called a silicon vertex detector (SVX) q, l - q ’, t p p b W+W+ W-W- b q, l + q ’, t
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.25 The SVX About 1 million channels of info Extremely precise mesaurements Precision of ~40 microns (width of human hair) Excellent b-quark “tagger”
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.26 Hey, that looks just like….top! Require top “M.O”: an electron, a neutrino, and 4 “jets” But additionally require that at least 1 of the 4 jets be identifed as a b-quark by the SVX What does the neural net say for these events? They are almost ALL top quarks!
©2004 Richard E. Hughes Fermilab; p.27 What Now? Now we have the world’s largest (only) collection of top quarks. And we are continually adding to the collection. What can we learn about this quark? Since the top quark is so massive, maybe it can tell us about mass itself. Theorist Chris Hill of Fermilab claims that an understanding of the origin of mass would rank as "an achievement on a par with the greatest scientific strides in history, like Newton's establishing the universal law of gravitation or Einstein's connection of energy to mass and the speed of light."