Anna Mudge Chris Green Julianne DeMars Justin Bernardo
Deep in religious problems associated with the Protestant Revolution Holy Roman Empire
Martin Luther’s 95 Theses Rejected Catholic ideals, most significantly the selling of indulgences Salvation can be achieved through good deeds alone 1517
Peace of Augsburg Agreement between Charles V and Protestant princes Allowed princes to decide their land’s religion Religious freedom 1555
Charles V Extremely Catholic Suppress Protestantism Wished for son to rule after him Protestant Revolution Diet of Worms Diet of Speyer Peace of Augsburg 1519 – 1556
Deterioration of the Holy Roman Empire during the Napoleonic Wars Holy Roman Empire 1700
Constant power struggles between Austria and Prussia German Empire 1871
Congress of Vienna Metternich secures valuable treaties, weakening France European Congress system (balance of power) Secured Germany’s power in Europe 1815
Era of Suppression The Holy Alliance (Russia, Austria, Prussia) suppresses liberal movements Carlsbad Decrees by Metternich to censor liberal thought Steps to prevent revolution After Napoleonic Wars
North German Confederation Preceded by the ineffective German Confederation Most German states, excluding Austria Otto von Bismarck Leads to the German Empire 1866 – 1871
Otto von Bismarck No co-operation with Austria any longer “…great questions of today will be settled by… blood and iron.” Subdue any challengers Blood and Iron Speech Austro-Prussian War German Unification Franco-Prussian War 1862 – 1890
Forced into depression due to WWI reparations, loss of territories and hyper inflation German 1900’s (Before WW1)
Conquering of Europe by Nazi Germany Germany 1939 (WW2 Expansion)
Loss in WWII leads to division of Germany among the victorious Allies Germany (Cold War)
World War II Second world conflict enacted by Germany, in desperation Almost single- handedly conquered Europe Nazi propaganda used to justify war 1939 – 1945
The Holocaust Genocide of over 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany Extreme devotion by Germans Propaganda Horror of Anti- Semitism Most well known event in Germany 1939? – 1945
German Separation Split among victorious Allies (US, Great Britain, France, USSR) Democratic West and Communist East Hadn’t been separated since 1871 Damaged German unity 1945 – 1989
Adolf Hitler 1920 Formed Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi) 1933 Elected Chancellor 1939 Invades Poland, WWII begins Over 6 million Jews slaughtered Great Depression 1936 Berlin Olympics Holocaust World War II 1933 – 1945
West and East Germany united Germany (Now)
Treaty of Moscow Treaty between Germany and USSR Served as a model and political basis of future European co- operation Preserved division between East and West Germany 1970
Fall of the Berlin Wall East and West Germany unified Physical breakdown and symbolic downfall of Communism 1989
Helmut Kohl Lead the Rhine-Palatinate Christian Democratic Union to victory in national elections First Chancellor of Unified Germany Fall of Berlin Wall Collapse of Communism Erich Honecker visits Germany West Germany wins Football World Cup 1982 – 1990