Women and Mental Health: Part II
Depression Women are 2-4 times as likely as men to suffer from depression. Why?
Biological Explanation Hormonal changes Serotonin levels
Psychological Explanations Stressful life events Learned helplessness Ruminative styles “Silencing-the-self”
Eating Disorders Why are eating disordered individuals predominantly young women?
Biological Explanations Testosterone Pubertal body changes
Psychological Explanations Puberty Role conflict
Psychological Explanations continued Body dissatisfaction Strategies for weight loss
Predisposing Factors for an ED Genetic Sociocultural Family Individual
Multifaceted Treatment for Eating Disorders Establishment of a therapeutic relationship Psychoeducation Self-monitoring Normalization of eating Antecedents of symptoms are identified Behavioural and cognitive strategies are introduced
Cognitive restructuring Exposure and response prevention Body image and relationship issues Family education and therapy Medication Relapse prevention