What is Natural about Sex? ANTH 250: Issues in Anthropology Kimberly Martin, Ph.D.
Bonobo Chimpanzees Pan paniscus Walk upright more Use sexual behaviors to comfort or to resolve conflict Display all types of homosexual and heterosexual behaviors Same lifelong mother-child and sibling relationships
Bonobo Mothers with Offspring
Bonobo Male Grooming Female
Upright, Bipedal Bonobo Carrying Sugar Cane
Bonobo Relaxing
Bonobo Female Stretching
Bonobo Intercourse in Missionary Position
Bonobo Intercourse in Missionary Position
Bonobo Females “GG Rubbing”
Bonobo Males “Rump-Rubbing”
Bonobo Female Masturbating
Bonobo Male Display