Biology and Ecology Mrs. Cunningham Curriculum Highlights * Microscope/Equipment Cells and cell processes Chemistry of life Genetics Adaptations Classification/Kingdoms Animal Kingdom (Henlopen trip and dissections)
I. Biology A. Definition – The study of living things 1. “Bio” means life 2. “Logy” or “ology” means the study of 3. Words such as biosphere, biography, microbiology,biodegradable,biotic, and abiotic have “bio” in the word, meaning life.
B. Organisms 1. Definition – any living thing a. Smallest organisms include types of bacteria b. Largest organisms include the blue whale in the animal kingdom and redwood trees in the plant kingdom c. To be living, an organism has five life processes : grow(cells), respond, give off waste, use constant energy, and reproduce
C. Some common subdivisions of biology 1. Botany – the study of plants 2. Zoology – the study of all animals a. Herpetology–study of reptile/amphibians b. Ornithology-study of birds c. Entomology-study of insects d. Ichthyology-study of fish 3. Marine biology - studies sea life 4. Microbiology – studies very small life such as bacteria 5. Mycology – the study of fungi