Mini Lesson Anita Roseborough LTCY 605
What?? An after school book club
When?? After school 1 hour Bi-weekly 9-week school period
Who??? Girls in grades 4-6 Lead by 3 female teachers familiar with book clubs/literacy circles
Where?? Juniata Valley Elementary School Library
Why? Research shows: When students participate in reading, writing, and talking about quality literature... –They learn to make sense of texts by using contexual clues and connecting the texts to their lives –They learn to share different thoughts, conversations and ideas –Increase their sight-word capacity –Emphasize metacognitive strategies in reading
Why cont’d Means of empowering girls through literature Provides a mentoring concept put into action through modeling, listening, understanding, and guidance.
How? 1. Ice breaker for all to get to know one another 2. Model a book discussion with female staff and explain jobs (Discussion Director, Word Finder, Connector, Illustrator) 3. Have students pick one of five books available 4. Form groups according to book chosen
How? cont’d 5.Have each group decide how much to read and pick jobs 6.Give time for silent reading 7. Bring groups back together and begin discussions 8. End with refreshments and remind group of next book club discussion time