LTCT & Hospital Quarterly Meeting September 29,2011 9:00am – 11:30am PST
LTCT & Hospital Quarterly Meeting – September 29, 2011 Webinar 9:00AM – 11:30AM 1.Director Intro– Julie York3. School Calendar - LTCT Budget Note Work group 4. Due Dates 5. New Service Plan format 2.Funding 6. Monthly Student Level Data - How ODE receives 7. Title 1 N/D Counts State school funds 8. SPR&I Fall Trainings - How ODE disperses State school funds Ashland SDInterMountain ESDNW Regional ESD Central Point SDKlamath Falls SDPendleton SD Clackamas ESDLa Grande SDPortland Public Schools Dallas SDLincoln Co. SDSalem-Keizer SD Douglas ESDLBL ESDSpringfield SD Eugene SDMedford SDThree Rivers/Josephine SD Grants Pass SDMultnomah ESDTigard Tualatin SD High Desert ESDNorth Bend SDWillamette ESD Hood River SDNorth Wasco SD
Director’s Corner Questions for Julie York Interagency Educational Services Director of Interagency Educational Services (503)
How does ODE receive funds for Hospital Programs? ORS (2) To meet the requirements of ORS , the department shall receive from the State School Fund an amount that is equal to the product of the following:
How does ODE receive funds for Hospital Programs cont.? (a) The average net operating expenditure per student of all school districts during the preceding school year; and
How does ODE receive funds for Hospital Programs cont.? (b) The number of slots available for students in the hospital programs under ORS , as determined by the department for the school year.
How does ODE disperse the funds to the Hospital programs? 1. Establish student –staff ratio’s for programs based on slot numbers 2. Applied Avg. teacher costs for mid- range experience including benefits for 12 months
How does ODE disperse the funds to the Hospital programs cont.? 3. These costs applied to the programs would establish the base-level funding 4. Subtract base-level funding from total dollars available
How does ODE receive funds for LTCT Programs? (3) To meet the requirements of ORS , the department shall receive from the State School Fund an amount that is equal to the product of the following:
How does ODE receive funds for LTCT Programs cont.? (a) The average net operating expenditure per student of all school districts during the preceding school year; and
How does ODE receive funds for LTCT Programs cont.? (b) The number of slots available for students in long-term care and treatment programs under ORS , as reported to the Department of Education by the Department of Human Services and the Oregon Youth Authority for the school year.
How does ODE disperse the funds to the LTCT programs? OAR The Department of Education shall provide funding to education programs based on the following:
How does ODE disperse the funds to the LTCT programs cont.? (1) For the purpose of allocation of state funds under this rule, the following definitions apply:
How does ODE disperse the funds to the LTCT programs cont.? (a) "Net operating expenditures (NOE)" means the sum of expenditures as defined in ORS (6), divided by the average daily membership of the school district, or in the case of an ESD, its districts, which contracts for education services offered in the program;
How does ODE disperse the funds to the LTCT programs cont.? (b) "Service level factors" means: (A) 1.75 for students in Psychiatric Day Treatment Programs; or (B) 2.00 for students in Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities.
How does ODE disperse the funds to the LTCT programs cont.? (c) “State agency slots" means the number of slots available for students in education programs under ORS , as reported to the Department by a state agency for the school year;
How does ODE disperse the funds to the LTCT programs cont.? (2) The Department shall use the following formula for distribution of funding:
How does ODE disperse the funds to the LTCT programs cont.? (Service level factors) x [(the contracting district's NOE in year one) x (state agency slots for year one) + (the contracting district’s NOE in year two) x (state agency slots for year two)] = total state funding contract amount;
How does ODE disperse the funds to the LTCT programs cont.? (3) If the total state funding available for all LTCT programs is less than the total state funding needed to fully fund each LTCT contract, the amount of state funding in each contract determined under paragraph (b) of this subsection will be prorated.
How does ODE disperse the funds to the LTCT programs cont.? (4) A special needs fund is established at the Oregon Department of Education which will be up to five percent of the total state monies made available for the LTCT program during a biennium:
How does ODE disperse the funds to the LTCT programs cont.? (a) Individual applications may be made to the Department for this fund to cover unexpected, emergency expenses;
LTCT & Hospital Due Dates
ODE LTCT Due Dates results/?id=362http:// results/?id=362
Monthly Student Level Data Monthly Student Level Data Collection Form Monthly Student Level Data Collection Form
ResdDistInstID ODE assigned Institution Identifier that usually represents the school district in which the parent or guardian resides.
ResdSchlInstID ODE assigned Institution Identifier for the Resident School: the school responsible for the education of the student, and the basis on which the State School Fund, the Common School Fund, and the County School Fund are distributed to local districts.
Are you an ESD? Resident District – ODE LTCT District #3559 Resident School – ODE LTCT District #3559
Are you an ESD cont.? Attending District – LTCT Education Program Contractor ID# - School District or ESD Attending School – LTCT Institution ID #
Title 1 N/D Desk Audit will not be completed yearly Site visit once every five years Student count - October 20,2011 -Facility has an average stay of 30 days -All students in the facility, 20 years old and younger
Title 1 N/D Continued Student count continued –Students enrolled in a regular education program for a minimum of 20 hrs per week. –Students can not be past the 12 th grade Form for Student Count Title I Neglected 2011 October Child Count Title I Neglected 2011 October Child Count
Title 1 N/D Continued Consolidated State Performance Review (CSPR) –CSPR form /?id=918 /?id=918
SPR&I Fall 2011 Trainings
2011 SPR&I ANNUAL TRAINING SCHEDULE Online Registration Dates Event Date & Required County Attendance Venue Start Date (8:00 AM) End Date (5:00 PM) Monday 10/10/11 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Clackamas, Hood River, Multnomah, & Wasco counties) Clackamas C.C S. Molalla Ave. Oregon City, OR ntent=0120 8/29/1110/3/11 Tuesday 10/18/11 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Jefferson, Sherman, & Wheeler counties) Eagle Crest Resort 1522 Cline Falls Highway Redmond, OR /5/1110/7/11 Thursday 10/20/11 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Baker, Malheur, Morrow, Umatilla, Union, & Wallowa counties) Blue Mt. Conf. Ctr th Street La Grande, OR /5/1110/7/11 Tuesday 10/25/11 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Benton, Coos, Curry, Lane, Lincoln, & Linn counties) Valley River Inn 1000 Valley River Way Eugene, OR ation.cfm 9/12/1110/17/11 Thursday 10/27/11 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, & Lake counties) Southern Oregon University (SOU) 1250 Siskiyou Blvd. Ashland, OR /12/1110/17/11 Monday 10/31/11 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook, & Washington counties) Pacific University 2043 College Way, UC A-144 Forest Grove, OR /19/1110/21/11 Wednesday 11/2/2011 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Marion, Polk, & Yamhill counties) Keizer Renaissance Inn 5188 Wittenberg Lane Keizer, OR cation.html 9/19/1110/21/11
Have a Wonderful School Year!! Julie York Cherisse Loop Mindy Addison