IDEA and the Vocational Rehabilitation 1997 Presented by Guganesh, Carina, Ridah, Rachel, Maisy & Jenney
Introduction Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was formally known as Education for all Handicapped Children Act. IDEA and the Vocational Rehabilitation Act Provides: - Appropriate education for all children with disabilities through special education and related services - Employment - Housing - Other rights that those with disabilities were deprived of previously
Zero reject/free appropriate public education- All children with disabilities were given free appropriate education Child find- Students with disabilities were tracked down and their educational needs were seen to by the state Age- The age during which children with disabilities are educated exceeds those of nondisabled children. Special services are provided for students with disabilities of age 3 and 21. Early intervention services are available for infants and toddlers with developmental delays. IDEA Primary Characteristics
Nondiscrimatory Evaluation – when a child with disability wants to attend public school, he/she must be given an evaluation by a psychiatrist to determine his abilities and the best placement for the child IEP- Every child with a disability is entitled to an Individual Education Plan that the parents developed together with the school district Least Restrictive Environment (LEA) – ensures that the child with disability is placed in a setting with the maximum extent possible in a general education class while still receiving education benefits Due Process – ensures that everyone with a stake in the child’s education is being heard
Confidentiality of Records – Information on students with disabilities to remain confidential and accessible to parents Advocacy – Assigned to individuals with disabilities who lack known parents or guardians Noncompliance – States to mandate consequences for failure to comply with the law Parent Participation – Participation and shared decision to be included in all aspects of identification and evaluation of students with disabilities
IDEA Act of 1990 Puts the person first and the use of the term “disability” second Development of individualized transition programmes for students with disabilities by age 16 States and schools can be sued if they violate IDEA Adds two additional categories: autism and traumatic brain injury Extends support services to include assistive technology
Outline Changes of IDEA Act, 1997: Promotes students with disabilities to involve in general education curriculum. Requires greater accountability for results Recognizes if student with disabilities bring weapon or illegal drugs, school can move him to alternative educational setting up to 45 days, but he must be allowed to: -participate in the general curriculum -receive services and appropriate modifications -receive help for behavior difficulties Requires IEP to describe within general education classroom: a. the extent to which a student will be integrated b. detail the aids and accommodations the student will receive
Allows the use of “developmental delay” eligibility criteria through age 9 instead of one of the specific disability categories to classify students Further flexibility by allowing IDEA-funded staff to work with others who need their help To include students with disabilities in assessments with appropriate modification and develop alternative assessment to those students who cannot participate in regular assessments