South Africa-Apartheid Miss Reed You Mad???
What is an apartheid you ask? A policy or system of government of segregation on grounds of race.
1910 South Africa gained partial independence from Great Britain in 1934, but power was only granted to the whites. This led to apartheid.
Population Registration Act of 1950 This act put all South Africans into three racial categories: Bantu (black African), white, or Colored (of mixed race). A fourth category, Asian (Indians and Pakistanis), was added later.
The whites in South Africa during apartheid were a minority group. There were way more whites than blacks, but later more than 80% of the land in South Africa was set aside for this minority.
Is this fair???
Group Areas Act Other races were forbidden to live, work, or own land in a different ethnic group's area. Bantus could not own land. Public facilities were segregated Race specific jobs were created Different races were not allowed to associate with each other
The Pass Law According to this law, all non-whites had to carry a pass that proved their permission to be in white areas?
They called this a dompas.
Nelson Mandela South Africa's first black president. Nelson Mandela believed in democracy, equality, and learning for all South Africans, so he led the African National Congress, a black liberation group that opposed the South African government and the apartheid. These actions put him in prison, and almost thirty years later he was released and became a national celebrity.
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