Q --- Where do we see the frustration and futility in the activity of the world? 1. Involvement in Sin 2. Changing Priorities
The Woman at the Well I. The Woman’s Futile Life 1. Rejected by Her Village “And it was about the sixth hour” “There comes a woman of Samaria to draw water”
The Woman at the Well I. The Woman’s Futile Life 2. Rejected by Men -She was a woman who... -Felt like a failure in relationships -Was embarrassed by her failure -Had been rejected by men
The Woman at the Well I. The Woman’s Futile Life 3. Dejected by Her Religion -She was Questioning Who was Right and Who was Wrong in the Ongoing Religious Debate Between Jews & Samaritans -She was also Questioning the Location of God
The Woman at the Well II. The Impact of Jesus 1. He Accepts Her -He offers her Living Water... Everlasting Life... Real Worship
The Woman at the Well II. The Impact of Jesus 2. He Changes Her -The leaving of the water pot represents a lifting of her burden... a change in priorities
The Woman at the Well II. The Impact of Jesus 3. He Uses Her v , Jesus allows this Samaritan woman to join Him in the work of impacting lives for all eternity