Amy! You’re going to be late for school. Hurry! Yes! I’m almost finished.
Oh! Another day at school! Yeah! As usual.
The bus is hear. Come on Andrew! stop skating and get in. Yes! I’m coming.
Hey everybody! What’s up? Oh! Nothing. It’s just that I’ve got free tickets to go see Lindsay Lohan’s concert! NO WAY! At school I’ll go tell my brother and you two guys will go tell Jeff and Eric. O.K
An hour later… Hey! Dudes what are you doing? Oh! Not to much. Just skating with the gang. Andrew! Guess what! Maggie got free tickets to go see Lindsay Lohan concert. Do you want to come? Well yeah! What a stupid question! O.K then be there at six o’clock. Bye bro! See you there!
Hello! Mom! It’s Andrew. I’m at the hospital right now! Can you come over? What happened? After school I was skating and I fell down a ramp. Now my leg is broken, my wrist is twisted and I have a lot of bruises. Oh! You poor thing! I’m coming right up.
Are you all right? Kind of! No more skating for you young man! Ohhhhh!
Sorry but my brother had an accident so he couldn't come. That’s O.K! Everybody, I’ve got my camera say cheese! Cheese!