Students of the Month Congratulations to our students of the month for September for exhibiting the life skill of leadership: Santiago Reis-NewsomTye Molchan Jackson CrassKathleen Farley Eli FlamoeNicholas Brink Alex GutmanWarner Cole George RamseyLondon Mahaley Ashley SteeleWilliam Gwyn Sydney Hilton-Siegel Please come to Room 119 at 1:00 p.m. TODAY (Wednesday) to celebrate your accomplishment
This week in cross country TODAY Lents, Bus 5, Study hall in 221 Thu : practice,
Future PEAK Classes: Ukulele Class has been cancelled. First Red Cross Babysitting Class, October 30 th, 8:45–3:45, in the library Cooking Class will start on Wednesday, October 28 th, 3:45–5:00, room 119 National Geographic Bee will meet on Tuesdays, start date TBA. MORE PEAK INFO
REMINDER There is NO gum chewing allowed here at school. Thank you for your cooperation
If you forgot your picture forms on Picture Day, it’s not too late. If you are interested in ordering school pictures, please bring your form into the office by the end of this week