Chapter 7 Creating a Research Agenda 7-1
Introduction One of the greatest problems with the advancement of the fire service is the lack of hard data available The fire service has worked hard trying to collect data Once data is obtained, it is of little use until it is researched, analyzed, and utilized An effective research system would establish how the data are submitted, organized, and scrutinized 7-2
Life Safety Initiative 7 Create a national research agenda and data collection system that relates to the initiatives 7-3
Life Safety Initiative 7 RESEARCH AS A TOOL Types of research Basic Applied Categories of data Using a research hypothesis Research and development (R&D) 7-4
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Defining a cultural change (Initiative 1) Existing culture based on beliefs and attitudes Change must take place individually and organizationally Need to instill safety into our culture without upsetting tradition Cont. 7-5
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Enhancing accountability (Initiative 2) Accountability is a decision Organizational accountability Generally a corporate decision Is a formal adoption of change Starts at the top Cont. 7-6
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Applying risk management techniques (Initiative 3) Scientific community risk assessment Flashover and collapse prediction Situational awareness Wildland firefighting operations Risk management for incident management Cont. 7-7
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Applying risk management techniques (Initiative 3) Cont. 7-8 Source: NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, part of the U.S. Department of Commerce
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Eliminating unsafe acts (Initiative 4) Individual empowerment Identify unsafe acts Prevent unsafe acts Key concepts of CRM into rapid intervention Cont. 7-9 Courtesy of Lt. Rob Gandee
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Implementing training and certification standards (Initiative 5) Recruit-level training Instructor development Live fire training Cont. 7-10
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Implementing training and certification standards (Initiative 5) Training simulators Professional development Computer-based training and education Cont. 7-11
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Developing medical and fitness standards (Initiative 6) Health maintenance Physiological response to emergencies Candidate physical assessment CPAT Cont. 7-12
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Creating a research agenda (Initiative 7) Data requirements Data related to exposure Data sharing and access Cont Courtesy of Lt. Rob Gandee
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Utilizing available technology (Initiative 8) Respiratory protection Fire detection and extinguishing agents Incipient stage Alternative “green” chemicals Cont. 7-14
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Investigating fatalities, injuries, and near-misses (Initiative 9) Everyone Goes Home (EGH) campaign National Firefighter Near-Miss Reporting System Information gained from sharing statistics Cont. 7-15
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Blending grants and safety (Initiative 10) Research is the most effective way to validate or establish a need for a grant Requiring specific safe practices of applicants Effectiveness of such programs can result in stronger and more successful future agendas Cont. 7-16
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Establishing response standards (Initiative 11) Strategic response to risk Communications operability and interoperability Performance measures Cont. 7-17
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Examining response to violent incidents (Initiative 12) Smart but also effective responses Hostage situations Need standard procedures Research is vital Cont. 7-18
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Providing emotional support (Initiative 13) Substance abuse Alternatives to substance abuse Post incident stress management Alternative methods of counseling and rehab Psychological first aid Cont. 7-19
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Enabling public education (Initiative 14) Targeted problems and evaluation Identify appropriate audiences, messages, and programs Reduce the number or severity of fires Is vital to target effective practices Cont. 7-20
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Advocating residential fire sprinklers (Initiative 15) Public awareness Change image to effective life-saving equipment Active versus passive fire protection Make educated decisions for specific levels of protection Cont. 7-21
Life Safety Initiative 7 NATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA Engineering safety into equipment (Initiative 16) Use injury, fatality, and near-miss reports Engineers can identify ways to build equipment safer Manufacturers could contribute to this initiative Increase research during the design phase 7-22
Life Safety Initiative 7 DATA COLLECTION Creating a hypothesis Data collection plan Analyzing the data Utilizing the data Short, medium, and long term goals 7-23
Summary Haven’t yet learned to use research to its fullest potential when it comes to creating a safer work environment Initiative 7 calls for a national research agenda Industry-wide team effort to design a system to collect, evaluate, and utilize data strengthens each initiative By assembling experts in scientific research we can make positive changes in reducing injuries and death 7-24