Light and Its Uses
Reflection of Light specular (regular) reflection diffuse reflection all light rays that hit a smooth surface are reflected at the same angle diffuse reflection reflected light is scattered in many directions due to a rough surface
Mirrors Plane (flat) mirrors flat surface left and right are reversed give a virtual image the image you see is where you think the light came from, not where it actually came from
concave mirrors mirror curves inward help to concentrate light on a spot called the focal point
convex mirrors mirror surface curves outward the focal point is behind the mirror used in automobile rear-view mirrors objects appear farther than they really are
concave mirror convex mirror
Color the color of an object is determined what color(s) of light are reflected example: a red object looks red because red light is reflected
Refraction of Light white light is made up of all the visible colors (ROYGBIV) each color (wavelength) of light is refracted (bent) a different amount prisms can separate white light into its colors (called dispersion) red, with the longest wavelength, bends the least violet, with the shortest wavelength, bends the most
may make objects appear to be in different positions
A Rainbow
Lenses transparent material that bends light to create an image converging lens magnifying glass diverging lens viewfinders in cameras
http://video. google. com/videoplay