6 8 9 10 11 12 Hadrons: color singlets “white states”


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Presentation transcript:







Hadrons: color singlets “white states”

antisymmetric in color




Quantum Field Theory: Finestructure constant becomes function of energy or scale due to quantum fluctuations of electron-positron pairs => partial screening of bare charge of the electron at distances less than the compton wavelength of the electron

+ 33




as as

3 Quarks: u,d,s

Effective potential between quark and antiquark:

Large distance: linear term

bound states: simplest color singlets bound states: simplest color singlets

Nuclear Forces  indirect consequences …….of color force……. nuclear force : gluonic force nuclear force : gluonic force ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Van-der-Waals force : electromagnetic force Van-der-Waals force : electromagnetic force

nucleon mass in limit of vanishing quark masses: const. calculable, error about 10 %. Exp: MeV Exp: MeV

:about 250 MeV Mass: confined field energy

Nuleon mass: QCD mass and mass contributions from the quark masses QCD u d s QED QCD u d s QED

m(quark)=0 axialvector currents also conserved

chiral symmetry: very light pions, but no SU(2) singlet with small mass

deep inelastic scattering electron proton variables Q 2 = 4 E E ’ sin 2  /2 x = Q 2 /2M p (E ’ – E) Q 2 measures resolution modern experiments measure Q 2 < 10 5 GeV 2  > m = r p /1000 x measures inelasticity x = 1 → elastic 0 < x < 1 → inelastic E E’ photon

probability that a quark carries fraction  of parent proton ’ s momentum is q(  ) ( 0<  < 1 ), then



‘ Fermilab



e +, e  (28 GeV) p (920 GeV)

electron proton quark a deep inelastic scattering event at HERA

where the logarithm comes from (‘collinear singularity’) and then convolute with a ‘bare’ quark distribution in the proton: pxp q 0 (x) + …

scaling violations and QCD quarks emit gluons! Q1Q1 Q 2 > Q 1 The structure function data exhibit systematic violations of Bjorken scaling:

bound states of QCD











114 dibaryons thus far not observed






120 experiment: quark – gluon states and gluonia not observed.

Quark-Gluon-PlasmaQuark-Gluon-PlasmaQuark-Gluon-PlasmaQuark-Gluon-Plasma atomsnucleusplasma

quark – gluon plasma: inside neutron stars ?