NECS update on the commissioning of CCG Community Based Services NHS Confidential / Protect / Unclassified - Slide 1
Overview of presentation Commissioning history of Enhanced Services / Community Based Services NHS England Guidance for CCGs commissioning Primary Care Services – NHS Standard Contract Communication with Optometrists CCG commissioned services from 1 st April 2014 Reporting requirements NHS Standard Contract Questions NHS Confidential / Protect / Unclassified - Slide 2
Commissioning of Enhanced Services - History NHS Confidential / Protect / Unclassified - Slide 3
NHS Confidential / Protect / Unclassified - Slide 4 NHS England Guidance for CCGs commissioning Primary Care Services Primary ophthalmic services NHS England will hold contracts with providers of primary ophthalmic services. Local enhanced services agreed by PCTs that extend beyond 1 April 2013 have been transferred to NHS England, which has directed CCGs to manage these services on its behalf. Where CCGs wish to commission other local services from primary ophthalmic providers, for instance to support care pathways for managing eye conditions, they should do so through the NHS Standard Contract.
24 th December Notice provided on CCG commissioned Local Enhanced Services : This ensured that the appropriate contractual notice was provided 15 th January Communication issued regarding what services to be commissioned from 1 st April 2014: Middlesbrough EECS was de-commissioned Cataracts extended to Stockton The following services to continue to be commissioned under a NHS Standard Contract: Cataract (Extended to Stockton practices) RIOP Low Vision EECS (Stockton) 25 th March 2014 – revised specifications issued to Optom Practices. LOC engagement was integral to the development of the new specifications. Practices were asked to identify which services they would like to offer from 1 st April 2014 and these services will be incorporated into a single Standard NHS Contract which will commence from backdated to 1 st April A Link to the Standard NHS Contract is provided below: NHS Confidential / Protect / Unclassified - Slide 5 Communication with practices regarding CCG commissioned services
CCG commissioned services from 1 st April 2014 Cataracts Reporting requirements have been updated Tariffs increased to £30 (£25 in 13-14) RIOP Reporting requirements have been updated Tariffs increased to £16 & £24 (£12.50 & £22.50 in 13-14) Low Vision (limited providers) Reporting requirements have been updated Tariffs increased to £73 includes webstar (£70 in 13-14) EECS (Stockton only) Reporting requirements have been updated Tariffs increased to £50 includes webstar (£30 for initial and £15 follow up in 13/14) The above services have been offered to Practices and NECS require practices to provide an expression of interest of which available services they would like to offer from 1 st April Following this session a Standard NHS Contract will be created through the e-contract system which will incorporate each of the services indicated and an e-contract will be issued to practices who will need to agree and sign the contract. NHS Confidential / Protect / Unclassified - Slide 6
Reporting Requirements NHS Confidential / Protect / Unclassified - Slide 7 Reporting requirements are to be submitted to no later than 15 working days following the end of the month to which the data
Payments NHS Confidential / Protect / Unclassified - Slide 8 Once the contract is signed a Purchase Order Number will be created and provided to each practice to quote on the template invoice provided. This will mean 1 invoice per month in relation to all of the services provided.
NHS Standard Contract NHS Confidential / Protect / Unclassified - Slide 9 Made up of 3 parts: Particulars This section will include the key areas of the contract such as specification, reporting requirements, payment details, etc. General Conditions This section is standard Service Conditions The full list of service conditions will be tailored to meet the requirements of a Primary Care Service. Key areas of interest to practices: Revised Specifications Specifications have been shared with practices Contract Length 3 Year contract Reporting Requirements Requirements have been shared with practices Payment / Invoices Tariffs have already been shared with practices. Practices will be required to issue invoices to draw down payment following the issue of a PO number. The NHS Standard Contract is a standard national contract that CCGs are required to use when commissioning these types of services. There are some areas that cannot be removed from the contract that are not appropriate to this type of contract. This has been raised at a national level but at the moment will need to remain although will be not applicable. These areas will be highlighted in a covering letter issued with the e-contract.
Questions NHS Confidential / Protect / Unclassified - Slide 10 Any Questions?