Forecasting Financial Volatilities with Extreme Values: The Conditional AutoRegressive Range (CARR) Model - JMCB (2005) Ray Y. Chou 周雨田 Academia Sinica, & National Chiao-Tung University Presented at 南開大學經濟學院 4/11-12/2007
2 Motivation Provide a dynamic model for range in resolving the puzzle of the fact that although theoretically sound, range has been a poor predictor of volatility empirically. References of the “static range” models include Parkinson (1980), Garman and Klass (1980), Beckers (1983), Wiggins (1991), Rogers and Satchell(1991), Kunitomo (1992), and Yang and Zhang (2000).
4 Main Results CARR is ACD but with new interpretations and implications. CARR has two properties: QMLE, and Encompassing. Empirical results using daily S&P500 index are satisfactory.
5 Range as a measure of the “realized volatility” Simpler and more natural than the sum- squared-returns (measuring the integrated volatility) of Anderson (2000)
6 Range vs. Integrated Volatility Simple to obtain, e.g.,WSJ Unbiased estimator of the standard deviation sampling frequency determined by the data compiler, almost continuous Known distribution – Feller (1951), Lo (1991), quality control values Difficult to compute, N.A. for earlier time periods Unbiased estimator of the variance Sampling frequency is arbitrarily decided by the econometrician, see Chou (1988) for a critique Distribution unknown, e.g., ln(IV) ~ Normal?
7 Range measured from a discrete price path Let {P } be the logarithm of the price of a speculative asset. Normalize the range observation interval to be unity, e.g., a day, and further suppose the price level is only observed at every 1/n interval, the range can then be defined as
8 Range for a non-constant mean price process If the sample mean of P over the interval t-1 to t, is not a constant, then the range can be written in the following way:
9 Range as an estimate of the standard deviation Parkinson (1980) and others proved that under some regularity assumptions, then can be consistently estimated by the range with a scale adjustment. E(R) = Lo (1991) proves that the limiting distribution of the rescaled range is a Brownian bridge on a unit interval. And the constant will be determined by the dependence structure of {P } Hence a dynamic model of the range can be used as a model for the volatility.
10 The observation frequency parameter, n The higher n is, the more frequently we observe the price between P and P If n* is the true frequency parameter then, R n is a downward biased estimator of the true range if n<n*. Further, the bias is a decreasing function of n. Hence the case n=1, gives the least efficient estimator.
11 The Conditional AutoRegressive Range (CARR) model: t =R t / t, the normalized range, ~ iid f(.), and t is the conditional mean of R t , i, j > 0 For stationarity,
12 A special case of CARR: Exponential CARR(1,1) or ECARR(1,1) It’s useful to consider the exponential case for f(.), the distribution of the normalized range or the disturbance. Like GARCH models, a simple (p=1, q=1) specification works for many empirical examples.
13 ECARR(1,1) (continued) The unconditional mean of range is given by . For stationarity, < 1 This model is identical to the EACD of Engle and Russell (1998)
14 CARRX- Extension of CARR
15 CARR vs. ACD identical formula CARR Range data, positive valued, with fixed sample interval QMLE with ECARR A new volatility model ACD Duration data, positive valued, with non-fixed sample interval QMLE with EACD Hazard rate interpretation
16 CARR vs. GARCH CARR Cond. mean model Range is measurable Asymptotic properties are simpler, less restrictions on moment conditions Modeling variance of asset returns only More efficient as more information is used Include SD-GARCH as a special case with n=1 GARCH Cond. variance model Volatility unobservable Complicated asymptotic properties, stringent moment conditions Modeling mean/variance simultaneously Not as efficient as CARR
17 Property 1: The QMLE property Assuming any general density function f(.) for the disturbance term t, the parameters in CARR can be estimated consistently by estimating an exponential-CARR model. Proof: see Engle and Russell (1998), p.1135
18 The Standard Deviation GARCH (SD-GARCH) Let r t (=P t -P t-1 ) be the return of the asset from t-1 to t. The volatility equation of an SD- GARCH model is
19 Property 2: The Encompassing Property Without specifying the conditional distribution, the CARR(p,q) model with n=1 is equivalent to a SD- GARCH(p,q) model of Schwert(1990) and others. Given the QMLE property, any SD-GARCH model can be consistently estimated by an Exponential CARR model. Proof: It’s sufficient to show that with n=1, the range R t is equal to the abs. value of the return, r t. R t = Max(P t-1, P t ) – Min(P t-1, P t ) = | P t – P t-1 | = | r t |.
20 Empirical example: S&P500 daily index Sample period: 1982/05/03 – 2003/10/20 Data source: Models used: ECARRX, WCARRX Both daily and weekly data are used for estimation but only weekly results are reported The weekly model is used to compare with a weekly GARCH model, using four different measured volatilities: SSDR, WRSQ, RNG, and AWRET as benchmarks.
21 Figure 1: S&P 500 Index Weekly Returns and Ranges 5/3/ /20/2003 Weekly Range Weekly Return
22 Table 1:Summary Statistics for the Returns and Ranges of Weekly S&P 500 Index ReturnAbsolute ReturnRange Mean Median Maximum Minimum Std. Dev Skewness Kurtosis Jarque-Bera Probability000 Auto-Correlation Function (lag) ACF (1) ACF (2) ACF (3) ACF (4) ACF (5) ACF (6) ACF (7) ACF (8) ACF (9) ACF (10) ACF (11) ACF (12) Q(12)
23 t ~ iid f(.) Table 2 : Estimation of the CARR Model Using Weekly S&P500 Index with Exponential Distribution, 5/3/1982~10/20/2003
24 t ~ iid f(.) Table 3:Estimation of the CARR Model Using Weekly S&P500 Index with Weibull Distribution 5/3/1982~10/20/2003
27 Table 4: Forecast Comparison Using RMSE and MAE ssdrwrsqwrngawret horizoncarrGarchcarrGarchcarrGarchcarrGarch RMSE ssdrwrsqwrngawret horizoncarrGarchcarrGarchcarrGarchcarrGarch MAE
28 Table 5: CARR versus GARCH, in forecasting SSDR SSDR t+h = a + b FV t+h (CARR) + u t+h SSDR t+h = a + c FV t+h (GARCH) + u t+h SSDR t+h = a + b FV t+h (CARR) + c FV t+h (GARCH) + u t+h Forecast horizon Explanatory Variables hinterceptFV(CARR)FV(GARCH)Adj. R-sq.
29 Table 6: CARR versus GARCH, in forecasting WRSQ WRSQ t+h = a + b FV t+h (CARR) + u t+h WRSQ t+h = a + c FV t+h (GARCH) + u t+h WRSQ t+h = a + b FV t+h (CARR) + c FV t+h (GARCH) + u t+h Forecast horizon Explanatory Variables
30 Table 7: CARR versus GARCH, in forecasting WRNG WRNG t+h = a + b FV t+h (CARR) + u t+h WRNG t+h = a + c FV t+h (GARCH) + u t+h WRNG t+h = a + b FV t+h (CARR) + c FV t+h (GARCH) + u t+h Forecast horizon Explanatory Variables hinterceptFV(CARR)FV(GARCH)Adj. R-sq.
31 Table 8: CARR versus GARCH, in forecasting AWRET AWRET t+h = a + b FV t+h (CARR) + u t+h AWRET t+h = a + c FV t+h (GARCH) + u t+h AWRET t+h = a + b FV t+h (CARR) + c FV t+h (GARCH) + u t+h Forecast horizon Explanatory Variables hinterceptFV(CARR)FV(GARCH)Adj. R-sq.
32 Table 9: Encompassing Tests using West’s (2001) V-Procedure
34 Conclusion with extensions Robust CARR – Interquartile range Asymmetric CARR – Chou (2005b) Modeling return and range simultaneously MLE: Does Lo’s result apply to CARR? Aggregations