Definition it is a clinical syndrome that results from the progressive process of remodeling, in which mechanical and biochemical forces alter the size, shape, and function of the ventricle's ability to pump enough oxygenated blood to meet the metabolic demands of the body.
1-cardiac compensatory mechanisms. 2-two types of dysfunction may exist with heart failure: A-systolic failure. B-diastolic failure. 3-caused by disorders of heart muscle.
Left – sided heart failure:… Right - sided heart failure:… Cardiovascular findings in both types. 1-cardiomegaly. 2-ventricular gallop. 3-rapid heart rate. 4- development of pulses alternans.
Echocardiography. Ecg. Chest X-ray. Cardiac catheterization. ABG studies. Liver function studies. Radionuclide ventriculogram.
Overview based on stage. Drug classes. Diet therapy. Mechanical circulatory support.