Shannon Scarberry English 9 Stray and Hurt Animals
What is a puppy mill? What would you say if someone asked you this question? The answer is as follows: Puppy mills are large places where dogs are bred at every possible time. These dogs are mistreated in the fact that they do not have enough food, water, fresh air, and living space. The conditions that they live in are often overcrowded and not clean. The operators of these puppy mills often don’t care about the dogs, they only care about their next paycheck. (“Puppy Mills” )
If you abandon a cat or other animal in the wild and it has not been there before, that is called animal cruelty. Many cases of animal cruelty occur each day and these poor cats are being stranded in the wild. These cats have no access to love or care and may not have the knowledge to fend for themselves in the wild. However, many animal lovers such as the alley cat allies trap these stray and feral cats, give them the attention they need and return them to their home. (“Alley Cat Allies”)
A sad thing about animal shelters is that many of the animals taken to the shelters are euthanized. In Chattanooga, the animals there are so numerous that 50% of dogs have to be euthanized and only 8% of the cats get adopted. Putting these animals to sleep is so stressful that the people have to take shifts. (“Adam Crisp”)