Spring ELPA 1 ELPA Initial Screening In order to hear the presentation, you will need to call-in: Access Code: Please, please, please mute your line or press *
Spring ELPA 2 Jennifer Paul- Jennifer Paul- ELL Assessment Consultant Aric Kuester- ELPA Development Consultant Cristina Rodriguez- ELPA Administrative Assistant Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Michigan Department of Education
Spring ELPA 3 Overview What is the ELPA Initial Screening? Who takes the ELPA Initial Screening? Testing Testing Before During After Questions?
Spring ELPA 4 What is the ELPA Initial Screening? What is the ELPA Initial Screening? Can be given any time of the year Aligned to Michigan’s ELP standards Assesses student’s abilities in Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking State requirement Not to be confused with annual, Spring ELPA
Spring ELPA 5 Who takes the ELPA Initial Screening? Who takes the ELPA Initial Screening? Any newly enrolled student who has answered ‘yes’ to at least 1 question on the Home Language Survey
Enrollment ALL students who enroll should receive the Home Language Survey (HLS) Is your child’s native tongue a language other than English? Is the primary language used in your child’s home or environment a language other than English? If ‘yes’ to either of these questions, the student should be administered the ELPA Initial Screening Spring ELPA 6
LEP Eligible Before final determination is made about eligibility for Title III (English Learner) services, other criteria should be considered Statewide Entrance/Exit Criteria ( IF, based on all available information, student needs EL services, status must be entered into MSDS Spring ELPA 7
Review HLS ELPA Initial Screening Other Entrance/Exit Criteria LEP Eligible in MSDS Student’s Permanent File: Copy of Home Language Survey Record of student’s Screening scores Spring ELPA 8
Before: Before: Identify & order materials Only order materials for your immediate needs Order materials in BAA Secure Site Read Test Coordinator’s Manual Print Student Barcode Labels Prepare rooms and materials for testing Review ELPA Speaking Scoring DVD Spring ELPA 9 Testing Testing
Spring ELPA 10 BAA Secure Site If you need help logging in, contact Can order all materials, return shipping labels, and audio CDs 2-3 day turnaround for order fulfillment Testing Testing
Spring ELPA 11 Cycle I Assessment Level Aug. – Nov. LevelGrade(s) IK-1 II2-3 III4-6 IV7-9 V10-12 Cycle II Assessment Level Dec. – Aug. LevelGrade(s) IK II1-2 III3-5 IV6-8 V9-12 Testing Cycles Testing Cycles Pre-K Cycle Apr. – Aug. LevelGrade(s) IPre-K
Material Ordering Level I and II Speaking booklets, Test Administrator Manuals, and Audio CDs are reusable Each student does not need their own Speaking booklet or audio CD Test Administrator Manuals should be ordered based on the number of people (& their location) who will be testing at one time Spring ELPA 12
Material Ordering Level III, IV, and V Test Administrator Manuals and Audio CDs are reusable Each student does not need their own audio CD Test Administrator Manuals should be ordered based on the number of people (& their location) who will be testing at one time Spring ELPA 13
Spring ELPA 14 ELPA Initial Screening Preparation ELPA Initial Screening Preparation Assess within ten days of enrollment Resource needs 50 students 5 hours/day 10 days
Spring ELPA 15 ELPA Initial Screening Resource Needs ELPA Initial Screening Resource NeedsDomain # of Teacher s # of hours L1 17 ( per domain) R W S1 Approx. 10
Demographic Page Fill out Boxes 1-4 Spring ELPA 16
Demographic Page Boxes 5, 11 Other boxes optional optional Barcode label optional if optional if other boxes other boxes filled in filled in Spring ELPA 17
Demographic Page Area to add raw scores Spring ELPA 18
Before: Some accommodations may be appropriate See Assessment Accommodation Summary Table for more information- Spring ELPA 19 Testing- Accommodations Testing- Accommodations
Spring ELPA 20 Testing Testing
Spring ELPA 21 Testing- Accommodations Testing- Accommodations
During: L, R, W group administered Students will experience Multiple-Choice and Constructed-Response items Speaking must be administered one-on-one All students should make an attempt to the greatest extent possible Spring ELPA 22 Testing Testing
During: Pre-K students take L and S domains only Incoming Kindergarten students in Cycle I take L and S domains only Spring ELPA 23 Testing Testing
After: Enter raw scores in BAA Secure Site Enter scores for all students who took Screener, including those who scored Advanced Proficient Students must have a UIC in order to have scores entered Return used materials to BAA, not Questar Secure unused test materials Spring ELPA 24
Testing- Reports Only three: ISR CR SDF Research Codes Class/Group ID Pre-K and Cycle I Kindergarten Proficiency Levels Spring ELPA 25
Returning Materials Separate test booklets from answer documents All test booklets grouped together All answer documents grouped together Group all material types when returning Return shipping labels can be ordered through BAA Secure Site Spring ELPA 26
Questions? Please state your name first and then your question. Spring ELPA 27
Other ELPA Resources Spring ELPA 28
Spring ELPA 29 Rangefinding Committee Item Writing Committee Content and Bias Review Committees Data Review Committee BAA Committee Participation Application BAA Committee Participation Application
Spring ELPA 30 Contact Information Jennifer Paul – ELL Assessment Consultant (517) office (517) cell Aric Kuester, ELPA Development Consultant (517) office (517) cell Cristina Rodriguez, ELPA Administrative Assistant (517) Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Main telephone line: (877) General